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Miami Marlins Pitcher A.J. Ramos Vs. 6-pound, 12-egg Omelet

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  • Miami Marlins Pitcher A.J. Ramos Vs. 6-pound, 12-egg Omelet

    Miami Marlins pitcher A.J. Ramos vs. 6-pound, 12-egg omelet

    The Miami Marlins have made a lot of bad news this season, but in no way should the failure of right-hander A.J. Ramos to conquer the Iron Man Omelet Challenge be considered, well, a failure.

    After all, only 400 of the 10,000 or so eaters since 1979 who tried to devour a 6-pound, 12-egg omelet in an hour at the Broken Yoke in San Diego have finished off the 15-inch deep-dish pizza platter of food that includes "a mountain" of home fries (made from three potatoes) and two biscuits the size of hockey pucks. As Craig Calcaterra of Hardball Talk said, "it's the potatoes that get you."

    Every time. Except for 400 people with cast-iron gizzards — Adam Richman of "Man vs. Food" among them.

    Anyway, Ramos gets an "A", or at least an "E," for effort. And for eggs. Here's his perspective on how it all went down — or didn't — in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel:

    "When they brought it out it was on a damn pizza pan. I ate all the eggs. Usually I'll eat six or seven eggs normally when I'm working out or training, but 12 eggs was pretty beastly, especially when I got to the potatoes and they started making me full. My stomach was hurting the rest of the day."

    Considering that Ramos was brunching with teammates Tom Koehler and Steve Cishek, they all should have teamed up to eat the monstrosity. Koehler (who took the photo of Ramos ready to eat the omelet) could have started, Ramos could have come in somewhere in the middle and Cishek (the team's closer) could have finished. Perhaps they wouldn't have gotten their photos up on the wall, perhaps the San Diego landmark restaurant would have denied them a T-shirt, but it would have been the best Marlins team victory of the season.

  • #2
    we can't beat anything!


    • #3
      He should try finding the strikezone rather than worrying about this shit.


      • #4
        He was also eating philly cheesesteaks with Allison Williams the other day.

        This was a year to learn about young players. We've learned that A.J. Ramos has a good appetite. Progress...


        • #5
          Wonders what kind of omlet it is.
          Amy Adams, AKA Cinnamon Muff
          Logan Morrison: "If baseball didn't exist, I would probably be ... like a curler. Or a hairstylist."
          Noah Perio
          39 AB
          15 H
          0 2B
          0 3B
          0 HR
          0 BB


          • #6
            I get slowed down when I eat a 3-egg omelet. I can't imagine eating a 12-egg omelet.
            This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


            • #7
              12 egg whites I could do. I wake up starving usually.


              • #8
                What's the biggest omlette the Houston Astros have eaten?
                Need help? Questions? Concerns? Want to chat? PM Hugg!


                • #9
                  Sometimes I swear Chewie is a team of writers.

