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Phillies Top Marlins 4-1

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  • Postgame: Phillies Top Marlins 4-1

    We're going streaking.
    The Marlins are 0 for 16 with RISP their last 2 games.

    Fucking A that is AWFUL
    Last edited by Namaste; 05-03-2013, 08:58 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged

  • #2
    On a positive note, Ozuna is fun to watch.


    • #3
      No doubt. Very fun to watch him in the box.


      • #4
        He's also been impressively patient. At least a lot more patient than I thought he'd be.


        • #5
          It's going to be more entertaining when our whole AA team is up by July.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MiamiHomer View Post
            It's going to be more entertaining when our whole AA team is up by July.
            Because they are more talented than the has-beens and never-was that they are going to replace.

            Can we trade Stanton while he is on the DL?


            • #7
              Originally posted by jay576 View Post
              Because they are more talented than the has-beens and never-was that they are going to replace.

              Can we trade Stanton while he is on the DL?
              Hugg and I were talking about that. If they come and collectively average a ~750 OPS while playing better defense than the old/shitty dudes they're replacing, there's 2-4 massive upgrades down in Jacksonville, as sad as that is.
              It's why I don't think we'll be worst team ever.
              Last edited by Mainge; 05-04-2013, 12:25 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


              • #8
                It's completely feasible that they are competitive next year with the talent within the organization.


                • #9
                  I don't think it's likely.


                  • #10
                    I honestly would prefer they televise Jacksonville Suns games. I'd have more interest watching that. Only time I turn to FSN right now is when Ozuna comes up to bat.


                    • #11
                      They'll all be up soon anyway


                      • #12
                        Unfortunately for Jacksonville. They could have a chance at winning the ship.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jay576 View Post
                          It's completely feasible that they are competitive next year with the talent within the organization.
                          Yeah, I think that's going a little overboard.

                          Even if we somehow go 5 for 5 with Ozuna, Yelich, Dietrich, Marisnick, Cox (and what are the odds of that), starting pitching is going to be an issue next year. Heaney and Nicolino are not gonna be ready for 2014 (at least not opening day) and Turner is showing no signs of anything right now. Flynn's been a nice surprise this year, but it's too early to start expecting anything from him.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Hugg View Post
                            Yeah, I think that's going a little overboard.

                            Even if we somehow go 5 for 5 with Ozuna, Yelich, Dietrich, Marisnick, Cox (and what are the odds of that), starting pitching is going to be an issue next year. Heaney and Nicolino are not gonna be ready for 2014 (at least not opening day) and Turner is showing no signs of anything right now. Flynn's been a nice surprise this year, but it's too early to start expecting anything from him.

                            Say we go 5 for 5 with the names mentioned. That covers the outfield, second and third base. Hech will be the shortstop and Brantly will be behind the plate. Granted these guys probably won't hit much, they can hold their spots with plus defense. (note: I have not seen either play enough to comment on their defensive ability but Hech should have no problem with his reputation)
                            This leaves only one position open: first. We also still have a number of position players who aren't garbage that are under control (e.g. Stanton, Ruggiano and maybe Lomo). Let's hypothetically pencil Stanton as a first baseman.

                            The rotation consists of Fernandez and pretty much four question marks. But there are a lot of options. And the bullpen has plenty of options internally as well and even more once the rotation is out.

                            I guess I should have used a different word than competitive but I meant above .500 ball. And I think that those players with just the normal scrap heap spring training invites could win 81 games. I don't believe there is anyway that that team could make the playoffs next year but there is hope. By the end of this year, we should be able to identify which areas other than adding a front-line starter would need to be addressed in the offseason to take the team to the next level.

                            All I'm saying is there is plenty of reason that the marlins won't be abysmal next year and if the organization doesn't sit on their hands in the offseason, there we should be heading into next season with a shot at the postseason.


                            • #15
                              The likelihood of going 7-7 with those 5 plus Brantly and Hech is just so abysmally low. Even with Hech's ceiling basically being that of an average shortstop.

                              I'd be thrilled with 2 or 3.
                              I'm also really starting to dislike Brantly. He has a lot of work to do on the defensive side of the plate.
                              Last edited by Mainge; 05-04-2013, 04:33 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged

