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Adeiny Hechavarria May Not Make Road Trip with Team

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  • #61
    Bickering? I thought we were having a conversation about baseball.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Hugg View Post
      Bickering? I thought we were having a conversation about baseball.
      I did use a eff word.


      • #63
        It isn't about losing Green because that doesn't matter. It's about the timing and how basically the rest of the bench could be DFA for assignment and it would make no difference on the season outcome.


        • #64
          So maybe I'm doing this wrong but.....

          On a stat heavy board, it's dumb to get upset that a guy who is OPS'ing .844 is getting sent down instead of a guy who is OPS'ing .601?
          Originally posted by Hugg View Post
          For the record, the fact we're upset that fucking Nick Green got sent down might be the most depressing thing in Marlins history.

          It wouldn't have been possible without Jeffrey Loria, Hugg.

          So there's that.
          Last edited by Namaste; 05-01-2013, 11:25 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


          • #65
            Originally posted by Namaste View Post
            So maybe I'm doing this wrong but.....

            On a stat heavy board, it's dumb to get upset that a guy who is OPS'ing .844 is getting sent down instead of a guy who is OPS'ing .601?
            There are things like sample size, youth and future considerations to also consider besides just "these are two numbers."

            One guy definitely doesn't have a future with the team. And almost certainly does not have a future in this league The other guy might have a future on this team, at least in a reserve role. There is more to gain from trying to develop that guy, especially since there is absolutely nothing to lose this season.

            The argument should not even be "Solano vs. Green." It should probably be "Green vs. Kearns", but then you have to deal with the fact that one guy has a better track record and a larger contract. So Green probably still loses out.

            If the team needed a roster spot, it's kind of hard to argue against Green being the odd man out, all things considered.


            • #66
              I think 90% of the current Marlins roster don't have a long term future in the big leagues. That includes both Solano and Green.


              • #67
                There's also Chris Coghlan and Chris Valaika on the roster for those who care to debate those two over Nick Green.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by dim View Post
                  I think 90% of the current Marlins roster don't have a long term future in the big leagues. That includes both Solano and Green.
                  I think there are more potential outcomes than "has a future in the majors" and "does not have a future in the majors." I think you should operate a major-league team under that mindset. And if you do, then there is clearly more to be gained by investing time in Solano than Green.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
                    There are things like sample size, youth and future considerations to also consider besides just "these are two numbers."

                    One guy definitely doesn't have a future with the team. And almost certainly does not have a future in this league The other guy might have a future on this team, at least in a reserve role. There is more to gain from trying to develop that guy, especially since there is absolutely nothing to lose this season.

                    If the team needed a roster spot, it's kind of hard to argue against Green being the odd man out, all things considered.

                    There's no disputing that Green doesn't have a future here and you make a valid argument that Solano's development is to be considered but after the April that the Marlins endured (and their potential to lose a mind-boggling amount of games in the 2nd year of a new ballpark) I think it could be in the Marlins best interest to try and win as many games as possible this year (unless they're tanking for a draft pick).

                    Mets cheers were DROWNING out Marlins cheers today at the ballpark. It was really scary. It wasn't like that last year.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Namaste View Post
                      There's no disputing that Green doesn't have a future here and you make a valid argument that Solano's development is to be considered but after the April that the Marlins endured (and their potential to lose a mind-boggling amount of games in the 2nd year of a new ballpark) I think it could be in the Marlins best interest to try and win as many games as possible this year (unless they're tanking for a draft pick).
                      The Marlins are going to be awful. The difference between Nick Green and Donovan Solano is not great enough to make a significant difference, especially because Green is unlikely to be much better than Solano if placed in an everyday role.

                      We're talking about marginal potential improvements today, with almost no long-term upside. I just don't see the argument to be made here.


                      • #71
                        Fair enough.

                        But you have to really believe in Solano to think it's worth sending Green down to cultivate Solano's talent, right?


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Namaste View Post
                          There's no disputing that Green doesn't have a future here and you make a valid argument that Solano's development is to be considered but after the April that the Marlins endured (and their potential to lose a mind-boggling amount of games in the 2nd year of a new ballpark) I think it could be in the Marlins best interest to try and win as many games as possible this year (unless they're tanking for a draft pick).

                          Mets cheers were DROWNING out Marlins cheers today at the ballpark. It was really scary. It wasn't like that last year.
                          It doesn't really matter because Nick Green is not good, either.

                          I think he's better than some of the guys still here, but not by much. It's rather irrelevant at the end of the day. Just like this team.
                          Originally posted by Namaste View Post
                          Fair enough.

                          But you have to really believe in Solano to think it's worth sending Green down to cultivate Solano's talent, right?
                          Not necessarily.
                          Last edited by Erick; 05-01-2013, 11:45 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Namaste View Post
                            But you have to really believe in Solano to think it's worth sending Green down to cultivate Solano's talent, right?
                            Not really. I think this team should be giving as much playing time as possible to young guys at this point. Throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.

                            It would be one thing if Nick Green was any good. He's really not. He's had a couple of good games.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
                              Not really. I think this team should be giving as much playing time as possible to young guys at this point. Throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.

                              It would be one thing if Nick Green was any good. He's really not. He's had a couple of good games.
                              Listen, I'm far from up in arms about Green going down instead of Solano but Green has (by far) the highest OPS of anyone on THE TEAM over 27 AB's so I just think it's a little weird that he's the one going down.

                              I realize it's a very small sample size but it would be kind of fun to see how it would play out with him at 2B when I think we all know that Solano is no more a part of the future than Green himself is.

                              Do you really think Solano is an important piece for the future?


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Namaste View Post
                                Do you really think Solano is an important piece for the future?
                                I kind of just answered this, but I can try to reword it, I guess.

                                If this was a binary world in which there only exists two possible outcomes, "Is a major leaguer" and "Is not a major leaguer", then I would answer no.

                                But there exists an infinite number of possible outcomes, and more of them point to Solano being a contributor for this team in the future than Green. I would rather put the investment in a young person, even if he is unlikely to be more than a reserve in the future.

                                There is still more potential value out of developing Solano than Green. In a lost season, he deserves a roster spot over him for that reason alone.

                                It would be one thing if Green were 28. Or if he had better than a .653 OPS at the major-league level. Since neither of those things are true, I see no reason to prioritize Green's spot on the roster over any young player with any amount of upside.

