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Is This Beinfest's Last Chance?

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  • Is This Beinfest's Last Chance?

    Throughout this process, there seems to be an incredible amount of faith still being placed in Beinfest and the front office to make decisions. But, I'm wondering if ownership may be giving them one last chance to make this work.

    Consider the following:
    - There have been reports that Loria was very involved in some of our larger contracts. He allegedly was the main force behind Bell, Buck, and Ozzie.

    - We don't know whether people in the front office were against those decisions behind closed doors.

    - The Cabrera trade will go down as an all-time flop, but the front office can at least point to the fact that there was almost universal belief around baseball that Maybin and Miller would be studs.

    - The prospects we got back from the Toronto deal are not seen in that same light. (So there will be no cover if it doesn't pan out)

    - Ownership continues to be very confident in the fact that our front office people are very high on these players.

    With all that said, an optimist would argue that the failures from the past year has caused ownership to put the decision-making back in the hands of the people they hired to make decisions. If that's the case, hasn't Beinfest gone all in with these moves? If Brantly, Turner, Eovaldi, Marisnick, and Hecheaverria don't amount to anything, how can they justify keeping him and his people around? There will be no outside force or unlikely event to blame. It'll all rest on his failure to find talent.

    How much better would this team have to be for his decisions to be deemed successful? How long does he get to see if this plan actually works?

    If I had to predict, I would say that by the start of the 2015 season we will all either be pleasantly surprised that these players are beating our expectations or the Marlins will have a new front office.
    Last edited by CrimsonCane; 11-18-2012, 12:30 AM.

  • #2
    Beinfest has actually done better in the moves people didn't expect to work out than the ones people did expect to work out IMO. Hopefully that bodes well for the latest deal.


    • #3
      If you believe the rumors that Loria has been heavily involved with the big signings and that the baseball people are only responsible for under the radar moves/big trades, Beinfest has only fucked up once; it just so happens he fucked up the most important one.


      • #4
        Can't believe people actually care/think it matters. Beinfest is the puppet of the organization, they (the Loria/Samson family connection) will never go outside of the network and hire a smart baseball mind because they are a smart baseball mind, they don't want that. They want a good soldier who will follow orders and make them money while attempting to win. The organization is an absolute joke and Beinfest is a terrible GM by any rational measurement.


        • #5
          Originally posted by The_Godfather View Post
          Can't believe people actually care/think it matters. Beinfest is the puppet of the organization, they (the Loria/Samson family connection) will never go outside of the network and hire a smart baseball mind because they are a smart baseball mind, they don't want that. They want a good soldier who will follow orders and make them money while attempting to win. The organization is an absolute joke and Beinfest is a terrible GM by any rational measurement.
          If Beinfest is just a puppet, why is he a terrible GM? How is he both?

          Also, considering Samson doesn't even know Henderson Alvarez name, I highly doubt he's making the moves.

          Loria/Samson might tell Beinfest and company what to do with the players making money, but the people acquiring the players in trades like the ones we recently made are the GM, etc. Loria probably has no idea who these guys are.


          • #6
            How much of a say does Dan Jennings have in all of this? Could it be that these are more "his" prospects than Beinfest's?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Erick View Post
              If you believe the rumors that Loria has been heavily involved with the big signings and that the baseball people are only responsible for under the radar moves/big trades, Beinfest has only fucked up once; it just so happens he fucked up the most important one.
              I would say the Castillo trade was pretty terrible as well. And the trade of Willingham and Olsen for basically a super utility guy. All he got for Delgado was 3 pretty crappy years of Mike Jacobs, and Yusmerio Petit was flipped for the horror of Jorge Julio.
              Amy Adams, AKA Cinnamon Muff
              Logan Morrison: "If baseball didn't exist, I would probably be ... like a curler. Or a hairstylist."
              Noah Perio
              39 AB
              15 H
              0 2B
              0 3B
              0 HR
              0 BB


              • #8
                Originally posted by Todd View Post
                I would say the Castillo trade was pretty terrible as well. And the trade of Willingham and Olsen for basically a super utility guy. All he got for Delgado was 3 pretty crappy years of Mike Jacobs, and Yusmerio Petit was flipped for the horror of Jorge Julio.
                I would agree its been years since Beinfest really won a big trade. We'd better hope he did well this time, or this franchise could be sunk for years, as his drafting record is less than stellar.


                • #9
                  Well considering it will take 2-3 years to see how this trade works, as well as see if Yelich, Fernandez, Turner, Eovaldi, Brantly, Conley, Heaney, etc turn out, and that Beinfest's deal runs through 2015. I think it's pretty obvious this is his "last chance" with the Marlins.


                  • #10
                    When given the cash,he can actually draft-which is the only job that Loria gives Beinfest. Those 3 days are the only ones all year that Loria does not stick his noise in it other to say "Here is your limit to spend"

                    He really tho isnt more than a Loria puppet. Loria tells him who he wants and doesn't want then Beinfest does the dirty work
                    Originally posted by TheMendozaLine View Post
                    How much of a say does Dan Jennings have in all of this? Could it be that these are more "his" prospects than Beinfest's?
                    Jennings role is scouting and that is about it. He knows prospects. This is why when he was mentioned as a "replacement". Almost the exact same as Beinfest except he knows more bout the minors then Beinfest.
                    Last edited by tjfla; 11-18-2012, 12:20 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                    • #11
                      Ugh, as much as I don't like Beinfest I hope this all works out. If he fails (again) we're looking at possibly 6 years before he gets fired + new GM comes in + new GMs players make a difference in the system.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tjfla View Post
                        When given the cash,he can actually draft-which is the only job that Loria gives Beinfest. Those 3 days are the only ones all year that Loria does not stick his noise in it other to say "Here is your limit to spend"

                        He really tho isnt more than a Loria puppet. Loria tells him who he wants and doesn't want then Beinfest does the dirty work

                        Jennings role is scouting and that is about it. He knows prospects. This is why when he was mentioned as a "replacement". Almost the exact same as Beinfest except he knows more bout the minors then Beinfest.
                        So the prospects we got in return from Toronto were Loria's choices?


                        • #13
                          This is why when he was mentioned as a "replacement"


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Erick View Post
                            So the prospects we got in return from Toronto were Loria's choices?
                            Well he prolly had some say in it. I know it is hard to understand but for the 1000 time-Loria sees himself as the Jerry Jones of MLB. If he could have the title of GM he would.

                            Why do u think we try to aquire Hispanic players and not Asian players? Just wait till Fernandez is up pitching and Loria will be marketing the shit out of him


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by tjfla View Post
                              Why do u think we try to aquire Hispanic players and not Asian players?
                              They make up a much larger proportion of the league's population and are generally much less expensive to acquire.

