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Hechavarria, Not Escobar, to Start at Short in 2013

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  • Hechavarria, Not Escobar, to Start at Short in 2013

    Yunel Escobar is an established major league shortstop, but the Marlins are not on the verge of acquiring him from the Blue Jays to replace Jose Reyes. According to a source that has spoken with the Marlins, their plan is to start Cuban defector Adeiny Hechavarria at short and Escobar at third, but they haven’t ruled out flipping Escobar to a team in need of a shortstop.

    Escobar will make $5 million in 2013. Hechavarria, a Cuban defector who the Blue Jays landed with a four-year, $10 million deal, will make $1.75 million. Escobar doesn’t have a good reputation around the game. The Braves traded him to the Blue Jays for ex-Marlin Alex Gonzalez in part because they deemed him a toxic clubhouse presence. His immaturity on and off the field irked teammates and opponents alike.

    The Blue Jays suspended Escobar for three games last season after he took the field with a homophobic slur on his eye black patches.
    Hechavarria, not Escobar, to start at short in 2013

  • #2
    Amy Adams, AKA Cinnamon Muff
    Logan Morrison: "If baseball didn't exist, I would probably be ... like a curler. Or a hairstylist."
    Noah Perio
    39 AB
    15 H
    0 2B
    0 3B
    0 HR
    0 BB


    • #3
      I wonder if taking Escobar was a must for any of the trade to happen. Maybe they took on so much salary just to get rid of Escobar, he's that toxic.

      Just a thought.


      • #4
        No real surprise,that was the reason why they wanted Escobar. Cheap contract for 3 years and if we ever get a 3B, Escobar can play the utility spot


        • #5
          Hechavarria makes that much, so current payroll is like $42.5 million. Hey, they took on some salary?

          And I do think this is the right move. Might as well see if he can play SS, as no one else in the system can. I'm scared to think of the Hechavarria/Solano offensive middle infield though.

          Also, Escobar will be traded for salary relief. They ain't paying him $5 million with this team.


          • #6
            Originally posted by oakelmpine View Post
            I wonder if taking Escobar was a must for any of the trade to happen. Maybe they took on so much salary just to get rid of Escobar, he's that toxic.

            Just a thought.
            Nope we actually asked for him which is why Boner was in the deal,although with Reyes and Lawrie in Toronto there is no need for him. The toxic part prolly didnt hurt tho when we asked about him
            Originally posted by lou View Post
            Hechavarria makes that much, so current payroll is like $42.5 million. Hey, they took on some salary?

            And I do think this is the right move. Might as well see if he can play SS, as no one else in the system can. I'm scared to think of the Hechavarria/Solano offensive middle infield though.

            Also, Escobar will be traded for salary relief. They ain't paying him $5 million with this team.
            Lou,he will be the stopgap 3B we keep talking about. So until either Cox or the 3B we draft is ready he will be our 3B and kinda cheap at 5 mil. Deal is up at end of 2014,right when the 3B we draft this year should be ready

            Also look for us to try and find a 2B/UT guy in the Rule 5 Draft,so don't write Solano in at 2B just yet
            Last edited by tjfla; 11-14-2012, 03:45 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


            • #7
              This is definitely the right move. He's got the potential to be an elite defensive SS.

              Just have to hope he can hit a little bit.


              • #8
                Kouzmanoff is the stop gap at 3B
                Also, let's not write off Solano as a Rule V guy is coming. Maybe Dan Uggla time warped to 2012?

                These guys suck
                Last edited by lou; 11-14-2012, 04:06 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                • #9
                  Escobar is actually a good player (even if he doesn't hit thanks to his defense) on a really really good contract.

                  I'd be sad if we ditch him.

                  I also have basically no faith in Hechavarria

