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Marlins Beat Cubs 9-1 Behind Mark Buerhle's Gem

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  • #46
    lol well now that's just retarded


    • #47
      Originally posted by Flum View Post
      I think Coghlan could not suck if he decided to not turn his head away from the ball every fucking time he tried to swing.


      • #48
        Curious about how all you detractors would explain his rookie season? I know there are rookie anomalies every so often, but he had so many multi-hit games that year it's hard for me to call him a bad hitter.

        Also remember this is the first time in his career he's is given so few ABs. He's not a veteran bench player used to these types of scenarios.

        Either way, I don't think this is the place for him (Miami), there's just no space and we have good OF depth in the minors. Though I wouldn't mind him as a #8 hitter, OF replacement in the event of injury.

        Serious fun! GET IT IN!


        • #49
          Isn't it possible that something has changed in his swing since then? We're going on 700+ PAs of sub-700 OPS.

          He has had 12 months with at least 60 PAs, and he has a sub-700 OPS in 7 of them. At some point, he needs to show more than he has been.


          • #50
            Originally posted by BigGameFish View Post
            Curious about how all you detractors would explain his rookie season?
            Assuming Coghlan doesn't miraculously turn things around, pretty much the same way we could explain Jeremy Hermida's great 2007 campaign, especially considering both players had inflated BABIPs during their respective best seasons. Hermida posted a .353 BABIP in '07. Coghlan posted a .365 BABIP in '09.

            I also think it's very possible that pitchers simply "learned" Coghlan like they learned Hermida. There obviously wasn't much of a scouting report out on CC during his rookie year.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Sandroimbuto
              You don't think they have scouting reports in the minor leagues?


              • #52
                Originally posted by Sandroimbuto
                You don't think they have scouting reports in the minor leagues?
                To that extent? No.

                Do you not remember Bonifacio's first year as a Marlin? He started out great, then teams realized he was extremely susceptible to the high fastball and kept throwing it to him. It wasn't until Boni made the adjustment that he was able to right the ship.

                I mean, the lack of scouting reports also explains how some pitchers come up and pitch lights out during their rookie year and then proceed to flame out shortly after.


                • #53
                  They certainly have scouting reports down there, but in the majors, we're talking about detailed breakdowns of every single pitch he has seen. With video and computer analysis of what they are doing. It is a wholly different kind of animal.


                  • #54
                    Coghlan kinda sucked for the first month and a half of his rookie season and then went apeshit after they woulda had scouting reports on him.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Hugg View Post
                      Coghlan kinda sucked for the first month and a half of his rookie season and then went apeshit after they woulda had scouting reports on him.
                      But they had scouting reports on what made him suck, not what made him awesome


                      • #56
                        After 60 games of his major league career, he was hitting .241/.336/.340

                        He then hit .380/.431/.548 the rest of the season.

                        I think the interesting thing with Coghlan is he's NEVER had any sustained run of a normal BABIP. He's either been ridiculously high an awesome or low and shitty.
                        Like seriously, he's never just been an ok player. He's either been shit or holy fucking shit and he alternates back and forth. It's kinda ridiculous.
                        Last edited by HUGG; 04-19-2012, 09:56 AM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                        • #57
                          I also don't think it's too out of the realm to say that the injuries have been affecting him. They aren't the only reason he has completely sucked, but I'm sure they've played a part.


                          • #58
                            The problem with him is that, when his BABIP normalizes over the course of a season, he's pretty bad.

                            He's basically had a .300 BABIP since his rookie season (I don't feel like actually doing the math, but I'd guess it's actually something like .305 just eyeballing it), and his OPS is .684 over 720 plate appearance.

                            You could get away with that from a lower end starting second baseman maybe, but not if he's going to be playing the outfield.

                            Now, the caveats are "He hasn't been healthy," but at some point health stops being an excuse, since he wasn't playing hurt everyday or anything.


                            • #59
                              Part 1: Shit. 60 games, 246 PA .241/.336/.340 (1st half of 09)
                              Part 2: WTF! 68 games, 319 PA .380/.431/.548 (2nd half of 09)
                              Part 3: Shit. 45 games, 189 PA .220/.273/.277 (1st half of 10)
                              Part 4: Strong. 66 games, 303 PA .310/.375/.504 (2nd half of 10, first 20 games of 11)
                              Part 5: Really Shit. 44 games, 206 PA .193/.242/.275 (Rest of 11, 12 so far)
                              It'd be really nice if he could just level off as a .270 hitter with doubles power and his on base skills.

                              If it does happen, I'm not so sure it's gonna happen here.
                              Last edited by HUGG; 04-19-2012, 10:08 AM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                              • #60
                                I think the most concerning thing is that he hasn't walked once thus far. He used to at least have a pretty good eye up at the plate. His BB% has been declining since his rookie year. I don't want to give up on him, but he sure isn't giving me much reason to believe he is going to turn things around.

