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  • Clevelander

    Any of you know how this works ? Can you go there before/after game with your regular ticket or do you have to have a "Clevelander Ticket" ? Thx

  • #2

    I would call before purchasing, though. Wouldn't want to end up with a letter-sized piece of printing paper with bar codes and Papa John's advertisements.


    • #3
      Nice !


      • #4
        Those ground-level seats behind the LF wall intrigue me. I really want to spend a game there this year. And the drink girls look yummy.

        Serious fun! GET IT IN!


        • #5
          Ehe, cranky old man from Toronto doesn't like it:

          Doug Smith, the Toronto Star

          Not sure if was the bikini-clad women – plants by the franchise, obviously – prancing around or the costumed dancers up on the stage or the body-painting going on for the almost the duration of the game or the swimming pool but I saw baseball like I’ve never seen baseball before last night and you can have it.

          Yeah, we made a trek to the new Marlins Stadium – a refurbished Orange Bowl – for a night among the people on Monday and it was one of the weirdest experiences of my life.

          We – a trio of grunts with time on our hands – to take in the game from The Clevelander, an off-shoot of the legendary South Beach bar, in left field; a good idea at time because it looked like fun and the original Clevelander is a classic place to hang out.

          Bad idea.

          Look, I’m all for having fun at the ball yard, it should be leisurely night or day out, a game unfolding at a certain pace and a far more relaxing time than you’ll have at any other sporting event.

          But, and this hit me about the second inning a delightful 5-2 game decided on a dramatic three-run homer in the bottom of the eighth, if I want to watch a game in a bar, I’ll go to a bar.

          It was surreal and if this is the way baseball stadiums are going, I’m going to spend an awful lot of time in front of a TV.

          It’s a little, cement-floored enclave just beyond the left field fence with four rows of comfortable seats and a standing-room area that could be any bar in almost any city anywhere in the world.

          There was a DJ spinning THE ENTIRE GAME and since you know how I feel about loud, incomprehensible music pounding during the playing of the game, you can imagine how I felt about that.

          The women, and I said “plants” rather than “implants” but I probably could have used either word, were there to, um, spice up the night and since they seemed to attract almost everyone’s attention all night, I guess they did their job.

          It was, frankly, a party more than it was a ball game, a night out to hang in a bar with the fact a professional baseball game was going on about 20 feet away seemed to be little more than an inconvenience.

          It was, frankly, as far removed from baseball as you can imagine and I am old and a bit cranky and a bit of a traditionalist so if this is the new wave of the baseball stadium “experience” in order to attract fans, you can have it.

          It was kind of cool to do one time but it would have been far better, in hindsight, to leave after an inning or so, find a seat in the stands and watch the game unfold in a traditional way.

          Baseball is not a game to be viewed through the prism of some faux South Beach party bar; it is a game to sit and ponder, to try and predict strategy, to tell stories.

          It is not, and never will be, a raucous event with bikinis and shooters and blaring music and swimming pools filled with young ladies who are only there as eye-candy.

          The kids can have it; the grown-ups should know better than to think it’d be fun.

          I do now.


          • #6
            He did this
            We – a trio of grunts with time on our hands – to take in the game from The Clevelander
            about as well as mk7 uses parentheses


            • #7
              We went in after the game just to see it, they were playing hot beatz and the booties were shakin'.
              There's No jOOj In Team.


              • #8
                *Phat beatz
                This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


                • #9


                  • #10
                    This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


                    • #11
                      Them bitches had some action.
                      There's No jOOj In Team.


                      • #12
                        It was kind of cool to do one time but it would have been far better, in hindsight, to leave after an inning or so, find a seat in the stands and watch the game unfold in a traditional way.
                        Dingggg dinggg dingg


                        • #13
                          Doug Smith is a jackass. I hope he never watches another game of baseball in his life.
                          This is a Dolphins town, though.

                          "Fuck, what've they done?'' --Ozzie Guillen

                          I am dead set against free agency, it can ruin baseball. --- George Steinbrenner

                          2010 SoFlaMarlins Fantasy Baseball Champion
                          Edmonton Ice Bats
                          2007 Teal League Wildcard
                          2008 Teal League Wildcard

                          2009 Teal League Wildcard
                          2010 Teal League Wildcard
                          2011 Teal League West Division Winner


                          • #14
                            ehe, he covers the Raptors

                            he's the worst


                            • #15
                              Sandro is famous!

