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Miami Marlins President Samson Criticizes Elected Officials, Miamians, Press.

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  • Miami Marlins President Samson Criticizes Elected Officials, Miamians, Press.

    Reflecting on the controversy surrounding the Miami Marlins' new baseball stadium and parking complex, team President David Samson on Tuesday had some colorful and critical words for elected officials, pundits and even Miamians as a whole.
    "I don't have to hold back now that the stadium is built — not that I ever have," Mr. Samson said while addressing a group of about 75 people who came to hear him speak at a Beacon Council breakfast meeting.
    He called politicians "not the intellectual cream of the crop," adding about the entire population, "We're not the smartest people in Miami. If you're in this room, you're instantly in the top 1%."
    Mr. Samson also had a few words about state officials.
    "I went to Tallahassee," he said. "I don't know what they do up there. There are so many special interests. You walk through the building, and they're watching "Family Feud.' You see people running around, working on legislation. All I know is that gavel goes down and nothing gets done."
    Mostly funded through the sale of county and city bonds, the stadium deal has been widely criticized by some in Miami's political and business circles as a public "giveaway" to private interests and a "sweetheart" deal between the team and elected officials.
    During his speech Tuesday, Mr. Samson blasted Norman Braman, former owner of the National Football League's Philadelphia Eagles and now a Miami auto dealer and activist who filed an unsuccessful lawsuit against the Marlins' stadium deal.
    "I don't see Norman Braman trying to fix anything," Mr. Samson said. "If he has the time and money, let's see [him] run" for public office. "He should stop saying how bad it is, and start trying to make a difference."
    Mr. Braman helped lead last year's successful campaign to recall Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Alvarez, who drew opposition for his pushing of tax increases and the stadium deal.
    Calling voter turnout for recall elections "pathetic," Mr. Samson said recalls have a negative effect on the political process by making public officials who are not even targeted "shake in their shoes" instead of "making them do what's good for the community."
    Mr. Samson might have saved his most biting criticism for Miami Today Publisher and Editor Michael Lewis, who has written a number of editorial columns opposing and criticizing the public-private deal that financed construction of the Marlins' complex.
    "I don't read his columns anymore," Mr. Samson said. "It's crushing to have someone write their emotions disguised as facts. People with a pen can use it as a sword to destroy a project without having all the facts."
    Mr. Lewis later defended his columns and said his editorial positions do not influence the newspaper's news coverage.
    "Mr. Samson is right that Miami Today was against the stadium deal," Mr. Lewis said. "It was a bad deal for the taxpayers and we said so editorially. However, in the news columns, Miami Today is strictly neutral and fair, as well as being factual."
    During his speech at the Beacon Council, Miami-Dade's economic development agency, Mr. Samson said he visited San Antonio and Las Vegas to shop for a new home for the Marlins when the stadium negotiations stalled in Miami.
    Mr. Samson said he was overcharged for a cowboy hat in San Antonio, and in Las Vegas then-Mayor Oscar Goodman brought four showgirls into the room for their meeting.
    If the Marlins were to move to Las Vegas, Mr. Samson said, he suggested the casinos there buy out game tickets in advance so nobody would be drawn away from the casinos.
    "We don't care if nobody comes," Mr. Samson recalled with a smile. "We'll play in front of nobody, and we'll have all the money."
    Regarding the stadium talks in Miami, Mr. Samson described former County Manager George Burgess as "pit bull" in negotiations — someone who knew "how to make you sweat."
    Mr. Samson said Mr. Burgess once made him wait in a room without chairs. Eventually, Mr. Samson said, he just sat on the floor, checking his ego in hopes of getting a deal done. Mr. Burgess, the county's chief negotiator in the stadium deal, resigned after Mayor Alvarez was ousted in the recall election.
    Looking back on the controversy, Mr. Samson said: "The only way you can succeed to the fullest is to risk it all. You have to be willing to get smashed," adding, "You have to be in a true fiasco to have a true success."
    Several years ago at the team's previous home at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens, Mr. Samson recalled, the Marlins "stunk" and were losing lots of games. Attendance was among the league's worst and the team released a lot of players.
    In making the move to Little Havana, Mr. Samson said, the team had some tough contract negotiations with new star player Jose Reyes, at one point cutting off talks.
    "We walked away," Mr. Samson added. "In negotiations, you have to be willing to go to the edge of the cliff."
    Eventually, Mr. Reyes, among others, was signed. "He said "I really want to play in Miami as long as you pay me $1 more than anyone else… I really want to make the most money I can,'" Mr. Samson recalled.
    In the end, he said, the stadium construction also came together — with the team, the county and the city completing the project without cost overruns.
    Currently, he said, the Marlins organization is working its way through a list of 20 items to address in preparing the stadium for the Marlins' season opener April 4.
    He said team officials will take responsibility if the franchise doesn't succeed in its new 37,000-seat stadium with a retractable roof. "We don't put any responsibility on the fans if they don't come" for future games, he added.
    However, the franchise has high hopes.
    "For anyone who is OK with mediocrity," he said, "we've going to blow them out of the water."
    Responding to a question from the audience, Mr. Samson said ballplayers should not be held up as role models, and parents should not have unrealistic expectations for their boys someday becoming Major Leaguers.
    "To parents, I would say "Your son is very cute, but he will never be a Major League Baseball player," Mr. Samson said. "Every Major League player was the best player on every team he was ever on — by far. And that's every Major League player."
    Pro ballplayers are treated like heroes, but they "can't live up to it," he added. "They're fallible human beings, but people make them into deities."

    I agree with almost every sentence in this article, and respect Samson more than I did before.

  • #2
    Put a muzzle on him

    One time common

    Make $$$ and keep your mouth shut

    You're a PR nightmare, Mr. Samson.


    • #3
      I made it 2 sentences in and already wanted to punch him


      • #4
        He called politicians "not the intellectual cream of the crop," adding about the entire population, "We're not the smartest people in Miami. If you're in this room, you're instantly in the top 1%."
        That confused me


        • #5
          read the entire thing now...

          what an absolute jagoff Samson is


          • #6
            I truly do not understand how any of this is a shock to any of you. We're taught all through life to be honest, and tell the truth, yet when someone comes out and tells us the truth, THAT WE ALL KNOW IS SO, everyone goes ape shit.

            The truth is, Miami Marlins, L.P. is a business, and they're in the business of making money. I know it's a cute story to go out and think that these baseball/football/basketball teams go into business with the intent to just win championships, but that's not the case. Once you get to a certain level, EVERYTHING becomes about the money, and you can't blame them. Why did the Angels pay Pujols north of $250mm? Because they know that he will bring them double, triple, quadruple the amount of money over that period of time.

            Regarding our politicians, what exactly is he saying that's not true? They're (for the most part) idiots. Look at the bullshit they spend their time on instead of fixing real problems that we have. Education for example is a huge problem down here. You're now taking standardized tests from KINDERGARTEN! Why? Because it's going to make our kids smarter or better in the future? No. Because of money. Braman is also a fucking gasbag.

            I for one see honesty as a good thing, but to each their own.


            • #7
              You don't come out and shit on everyone. You just don't do this. Truth or not.

              and this isn't a shock to anyone. We all know Samson is the worst.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ramp View Post
                You don't come out and shit on everyone. You just don't do this. Truth or not.

                and this isn't a shock to anyone. We all know Samson is the worst.
                OK, so say the truth, unless you're going to hurt someones feelings.


                • #9
                  It's bad when other team's know the name of the President of the Marlins. You can't even name the President of the Yankees (it's Randy Levine). David Samson is a grade A jagoff that continues to open up his yap and paint the Marlins in a bad light. You don't shit on your fans, you don't shit on the "dumb" politicians that helped you get your stadium, and you don't shit on your new prize acquisition. Regardless if all the shit you're spewing is the truth or not.

                  This is Public Relations 101.


                  • #10
                    There's a big difference between being honest and being spiteful
                    God would be expecting a first pitch breaking ball in the dirt because humans love to disappoint him.
                    - Daft


                    • #11
                      I don't disagree with any of your opinions, I guess we can just agree to disagree.


                      • #12
                        No one ever said baseball isn't a business. Samson's delivery SUCKS.

                        Ramp's point about everyone knowing who David Samson is pretty much ends this thread.


                        • #13
                          Manny Navarro ‏ @Manny_Navarro
                          #Marlins president David Samson said he was misquoted, misrepresented in stories regarding Miamians, stadium today


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Namaste View Post
                            No one ever said baseball isn't a business. Samson's delivery SUCKS.
                            This is the problem. It's not the information he is talking about, which I agree is mostly correct and very honest which I appreciate. But holy crap. If that is anywhere near how he spoke to that crowd or the press...

                            Originally posted by Jorge18
                            The truth is, Miami Marlins, L.P. is a business, and they're in the business of making money.
                            And you don't think the team President shitting on everyone has any effect on that? Because I do. He turns people off to the franchise, not because of what he says, but because of how he says it. He is the worst PR person I have ever seen. Casey Anthony's attorney is less of a douche.


                            • #15
                              Samson's on LeBatard show now.

