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Getting to Marlins Park: The Transportation Thread

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  • Getting to Marlins Park: The Transportation Thread

    Transit sacrifice can drive in winning run of Marlins sales

    By Michael Lewis

    A Miami Marlins ballpark opens in four months, but stadium transit plans are stalled in 2009. Fix that fast to let the ballpark succeed.

    Lacking options, both the team and Miami-Dade County are banking on mass transit to get fans and stadium workers to games. But the financially struggling county can't fund shuttles to link the park to Metrorail.

    What's to blame? Maybe county turmoil over a recalled mayor, or recession, or the rollback of tax rates. It's more vital to fix the problem than affix the blame.
    The stadium, after all, will cost taxpayers $3 billion over three decades. The Marlins' rent was already spent for construction. The county even lent the Marlins $35 million for the team's construction share.

    Details we've often cited have made the stadium deal the worst ever for county taxpayers. The Marlins control a county stadium and get all income year around other than for a few events.

    But no matter how unfair the deal, nobody wants the costly stadium to fail, especially if it falters because residents who actually want to attend games have trouble getting there. A fix is vital.

    As we've reported, the City of Miami built 5,539 parking spaces under contract with the Marlins, who get 250 of those spots free year-around and rent the others from the city at $10.03 each per game for five years, with modest increases thereafter. The deal has the city in a bind over county taxes, but that's another story.

    What's important is that the deal leaves only 5,289 parking spaces for customers, all season ticketholders. The Marlins expect 4,000 other fans to park on lawns and in driveways, 1% to bike in and 1,800 to walk up — all optimistic.
    At 37,000 stadium capacity, however, most people would arrive at big games via mass transit. But no transit is being added, and the county says it can't afford shuttles from Metrorail a mile away.

    That could be a disaster.

    The stadium has a roof because, the team says, Miami weather deters fans. So how many will walk a mile each way in blazing sun or rain or dark of night through unfamiliar urban areas? Far fewer than would use Metrorail if a shuttle then took them to the ballpark.

    The county had planned a shuttle from Government Center station but now says it can't afford it. It also planned one from Culmer station and seeks a $234,000 federal grant to pay half the cost.

    But the county isn't likely to know if it got the grant until three weeks before exhibition games that normally would sell out to see the New York Yankees and a new ballpark.

    As the Marlins' Claude Delorme correctly said of stadium parking at a forum, "If it takes 45 minutes to go the last mile, people might turn away." Ditto if it takes a mile walk each way in unknown areas on a rainy night or scorching afternoon.
    This is the cue for a hero to step in with an ultra low-cost rescue. It could be anyone seeking a public relations bonanza for as little as $234,000. Imagine taking the Budweiser or Bacardi shuttle to the game. The Marlins control all stadium ads, but not those on public transit.

    But the transit donor that stands to benefit most would be the team itself.
    The Marlins have the most to lose from a transit glitch and the most to gain if everything runs like clockwork. Fans who don't get to the park on time might not come again. Those who arrive late also buy less — a half hour wasted en route costs sales.

    The team can do the math, but just more food and drink profits when fans arrive earlier should exceed $234,000 over 83 games — less than $3,000 a game.
    Plus, there's the public relations value. The team could lend the county $234,000 for a Culmer shuttle, then convert the loan to a gift if a federal grant fails. That would cement funding.

    The Marlins could be even bigger heroes by supporting Government Center shuttles too. They could fund both shuttles for less than the 2012 minimum player salary, $480,000.

    Any team that offers Albert Pujols a $200 million contract to play must add ticket sales. A transit investment of two-tenths of one percent of that salary could pay big dividends.

    The Marlins, not noted for public relations skills, could pass this by. They could legitimately note it's not in their contract and walk away with a $3 billion county gift.

    But when a simple gesture can build vast goodwill, add ticket and concession sales and enhance the bottom line of baseball's most profitable team, why wouldn't the Marlins step up to the plate?

    This is one of those rare win-win situations where the Marlins can play Santa Claus while adding to their profits. Their on-field victories should be so easy.

    The team should address this. Mass transit is going to be my ride to the ballpark and I will consider downgrading my package for 2013 if I have to drive there.

  • #2
    As more and more of these come up, I'm more glad that I got parking in the garages.


    • #3
      Why would they use shuttles? They're for space travel. I would think busses and vans would be considerably more economical.
      This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


      • #4
        Originally posted by Fritz View Post
        Why would they use shuttles? They're for space travel. I would think busses and vans would be considerably more economical.
        I guess someone has to use them now that NASA isn't. Lol.


        • #5
          Shuttle is much faster. I can go from Culmer Station to the ballpark in .25 seconds.


          • #6
            Glad I splurged on the parking pass


            • #7
              Posted on Thursday, 01.12.12
              Miami commissioners could shuttle in new era at the Marlins ballpark

              Miami city commissioners are expected to hire an operator for the city’s new fleet of 28 trolleys, which would provide localized transportation as well as shuttle baseball fans to the new Marlins ballpark.

              BY CHARLES RABIN
              Miami commissioners are expected Thursday to hire Limousines of South Florida to operate the city’s new fleet of 28 trolleys, which would provide localized transportation as well as shuttle baseball fans to the new Miami Marlins ballpark.

              The vehicles would run through the Brickell area to Biscayne Boulevard, into Overtown, and north to the Culmer Center, 1600 NW Third Ave.

              The company, which was chosen tops on a list of four operators by a city review committee, would collect $2 million a year from the city for running, maintaining and storing the air-conditioned, rubber-tired, turn-of-the-century type vehicles.

              LSF operates trolleys for more than 20 South Florida municipalities, including Coral Gables, Doral and Hollywood. The contract with Miami is for five years, with five one-year extensions.

              Also on Thursday’s agenda is an attempt by newly-installed Commission Chairman Francis Suarez to toughen the city’s so-called financial integrity ordinance. Suarez is pushing a measure that would require the city manager to present a verbal report on the city’s finances once a month.

              Miami’s current ordinance, which grew out of the ashes of the city’s last fiscal crisis in the mid-‘90s, ensures that the city keep a reserve fund of roughly $80 million for emergencies like hurricanes and floods. If the reserve drops below that number, the administration must put forward a two-year plan to replenish it.

              Miami’s reserve fund was as high as $140 million only eight years ago, but now is down to about $10 million.

              There is no plan in place to replenish it.



              • #8


                • #9
                  Let's have a real good time at the game then head to Brickell.


                  • #10
                    This would be for me.


                    • #11
                      Looks like my plan for games will be to park at my mom's apartment building, grab some food/drinks at Tobacco Road, take the Metro to the park stop and shuttle over. Who's with me?


                      • #12
                        I am grossed out by public transportation. jOOj and I will park at CC's building and walk.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
                          Looks like my plan for games will be to park at my mom's apartment building, grab some food/drinks at Tobacco Road, take the Metro to the park stop and shuttle over. Who's with me?
                          Change your Mom's apartment to my brothers and we will be seeing a lot of each other!


                          • #14
                            CC can Csee the stadium/park/field from his home


                            • #15
                              Is there a shuttle to CC's place?
                              There's No jOOj In Team.

