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Marlins Sign Jose Reyes to 6 year, $106 Million Deal

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  • Yeah, his show actually covers baseball. In terms of 790ers with baseball info, I'd take him as at or near the top.


    • Is Josh Friedman on 790 or 560? I'd prob listen to him, but I imagine Sedano is hearing things from the internet. Granted, I don't doubt the story one bit, but I'd be surprised if he has anything different than that earlier article.


      • Josh Friedman is the reporter for 790. Basically gets all the interview sound bytes from the locker rooms for the Marlins/Dolphins for them.


        • Beef, in this instance I agree with you. What he's heard is more than likely what he's read. But if Sedano has a "source" thing with the Marlins, I'm going to trust the guy that has Beinfest on weekly as a guy who's probably not going to just flat out make shit up.


          • Well yeah, I doubt he'd be making shit up. I would just default to the belief that his source is our source, an article he read or MH's twitter.


            • Well my source is Ramp.


              • So then you'd agree that Reyes and the Marlins are very close to a deal and that he wants to play down here badly?

                Since these are all things Sedano reported and you don't think he makes stuff up.


                • Yeah, I would agree with that. I just doubt Sedano has anything new to add there that we don't already know.

                  It's that he is reporting he's hearing it that bothers me. I suppose it's true, he is hearing it from the article we read, but that's a crappy way to use "hearing" when reporting news.


                  • Originally posted by Beef View Post
                    Yeah, I would agree with that. I just doubt Sedano has anything new to add there that we don't already know.

                    It's that he is reporting he's hearing it that bothers me. I suppose it's true, he is hearing it from the article we read, but that's a crappy way to use "hearing" when reporting news.
                    Well, no. He said last week when he said he heard the "deal was close" that Reyes really wants to be down here. So he did say it before this article was posted early this morning.


                    • There was similar news then as well. The twitter kid that Ramp hates also had that information, because it was reported on twitters.


                      • You're making big leaps to assume they are connected. Whatever.


                        • :-)


                          • Well that sure sucked the air out of my 99 luftballons.


                            • I don't know if MH has posted this one yet but it's hilarious.

                              Clark Spencer of the Miami Herald was told by a source that Hanley Ramirez is "not at all pleased" at the prospect of changing positions if the Marlins sign Jose Reyes.
                              In addition, while Ramirez is the godfather to Reyes' daughter, Spencer hears that "they aren't the friends many portray." Ramirez will probably need to change positions in a few years, regardless of whether the Marlins sign Reyes, but they risk making him very unhappy and perhaps demand a trade.
                              Source: Clark Spencer on Twitter
                              Nov 15 - 12:05 AM
                              There's No jOOj In Team.


                              • That news has been shared but I didn't see that line. "While Ramirez is the godfather to Reyes' daughther, they aren't the friends many portray." has to be one of the most retarded lines I've ever seen. How does that even make sense?

