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Possible Free Agent Options For Marlins Next Season

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  • #16
    He needs to work on navigating the wall. That is my one complaint about his defense.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mainge View Post
      Not literally barely.
      Not anything barely. He's a good RFer.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Fish Tank Frenzy View Post
        I love how on the Herald web site the article headline says "Free Agent Options Aplenty" then in his first sentence says that free agents are limited. Do people read these articles before making headlines?
        That industry be dyin'!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
          Not anything barely. He's a good RFer.
          He's not. Fielding Bible, Rich Waltz, and others who base their opinions of a defensive player only on metrics that are still flawed and developing can eat my Elijah Dukes.


          • #20
            I don't trust those metrics then.


            • #21
              So what are the issues with him? Why are they wrong?


              • #22
                He takes silly routes to the ball sometimes. Sometimes he's very late in his jumps. A lot of false steps.

                And like Festa said, very poor when near the wall. Or generally when airborne .


                • #23
                  He gets shitty jumps and takes terrible routes. He still seems to have no idea of how to attack a baseball hit straight in front of him. It absolutely stops him from getting to balls. Rich Waltz will tell me that he gets to them anyway because he was a fast wide receiver and if he slides for a ball that should have been routine he is a superb football athlete. He might make up for some mistakes with his athleticism, but not enough of them and he has a lot to learn. He's also huge and awkward and isn't going to get smaller, so he probably isn't really going to get all that much better. He does have a gun. Reality is that it's ok as long as he's in a corner, but he is not a good defensive player. Those metrics are not to be trusted.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Omar View Post
                    No, unnamed Marlins official, Mike Stanton cannot play center.
                    Why not?
                    Stanton is outstanding in RF. He was outstanding last year. He struggled early on this year because of an injured hamstring, and has been outstanding ever since.

                    The Marlins were foolish enough to think Coghlan could play CF (and the experiment actually worked until the injury)...why not Stanton?
                    Last edited by Erick; 07-20-2011, 05:25 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                    • #25
                      He's not anything close to outstanding.


                      • #26
                        Yea, I'm all for defensive metrics but they still aren't that great yet. Mike Stanton is not a good outfielder. He takes horrible routes, but is able to make up for a with his speed. He's terrible at realizing when he is on the track and near the wall. In time, he should be better with these things, but he isn't close to outstanding right now.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Erick View Post
                          Stanton is outstanding in RF. He was outstanding last year. He struggled early on this year because of an injured hamstring, and has been outstanding ever since.
                          Why I wouldn't trust anything you say about defense:

                          Originally posted by Erick View Post
                          And just as your eyes tell you that that was a routine play, my eyes tell me otherwise. And there's really zero proof to prove that that play was routine. Again, eyes are not proof, on such things.

                          All we know is that Coghlan had to dive for the ball. We don't know that any decent CF'er makes the play standing up; there is no proof for that.


                          • #28
                            Well, if he takes terrible routes and makes up for it with his speed, and the end result is a slightly above average whole package, which is what the metrics show for this year, what's wrong with the metrics?

                            In a small sample, he rated very well last year. He rates above average this year. That sounds good to me. I certainly don't think he is a terrible defender overall.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Beef View Post
                              Why I wouldn't trust anything you say about defense:
                              WTF does one have to do with the other?

                              That was a single play comparing what each one of us saw.

                              Now we're talking about computerized stats that, while they may not be perfect, are better than one's eyes.

                              Stanton is a very good RF'er.
                              Coghlan, for what it's worth, was rated as an okay CF'er this year. At that time, everyone was waiting for UZR #'s to come out to see just how good/bad Coghlan was.

                              Also, by the end of that thread, I'm pretty sure I admitted that I was wrong.
                              Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
                              Well, if he takes terrible routes and makes up for it with his speed, and the end result is a slightly above average whole package, which is what the metrics show for this year, what's wrong with the metrics?

                              In a small sample, he rated very well last year. He rates above average this year. That sounds good to me. I certainly don't think he is a terrible defender overall.
                              And that's with an injured hamstring for awhile.

                              He began as a negative but ever since his hamstring has gotten healthier and healthier, his defensive #'s have skyrocketed.

                              He's a very good RF'er.

                              Also, with Mike Cameron around, maybe he can teach him a few things to make him even better. Veteran presence has to be useful for something, I'd imagine; the Marlins certainly value it...
                              Last edited by Erick; 07-20-2011, 06:53 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                              • #30

