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McKeon on Shaving Cream in Stanton's Eye and Hanley's Flamboyance

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  • McKeon on Shaving Cream in Stanton's Eye and Hanley's Flamboyance

    Whatever the topic, Jack McKeon always has an opinion and isn't afraid to share it. Here are a couple of the latest examples, taken from this afternoon's dugout session:

    On Mike Stanton's teammates plastering him with shaving cream after his walkoff home run last night despite the fact he's been bothered by blurry vision in his right eye, McKeon had this to say:

    "Players probably don't even know (about the eye problem). If they were conscious of that, they probably wouldn't have thrown any shaving cream in his eye. Maybe it'll help him. Who knows? Maybe that's the solution. So if it helps him, we say heck with the eye doctors. Go to the shaving cream."

    On Hanley Ramirez, who, each of the past two two nights, carried his bat with him more halfway down the line on base hits before flipping it aside: McKeon said this:

    "I tell you the truth, as long as he keeps hitting, he can carry it all the way around if he wants to. I don't bother with that petty stuff. You guys make a big issue out of pretty (stuff) like that. What's the difference? Is there any rule that says you can't carry it around? No, unless you're going to use it on the first baseman or second baseman. Big deal. Guys come to home plate, saluting and everything else -- nobody says nothing. But a guy carries a bat around and you guys want to make a controversy out of it. If he wants to carry his bat around, wants to carry his glove around, I don't long as he keeps hitting."

    Forgot how stupid players are sometimes (Re: shaving cream in the eye of your power hitter that is having eye issues)

  • #2
    Guys come to home plate, saluting and everything else -- nobody says nothing.
    I don't think McKeon even realizes he kind of knocked LoMo there.

