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Bonertron Successfully Executes Sac Fly Program, Scores Sean Taylor in the 12th

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  • #16
    Buster_ESPN: RT @extrabaggs: Posey going for xrays. It's funereal in clubhouse.


    • #17
      Like Sean Taylors?


      • #18
        It's sad but I lol'd at funereal.

        Sorry. I need sleep. Going to bed now.


        • #19
          Elboni_1 emiliobonifacio

          Nice game. We won


          • #20
            He is right.
            There's No jOOj In Team.


            • #21
              Good, clean collision at the plate. I expect them to throw at one of our stars, and they are correct in doing so. Keep it below the waist and that's good baseball.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Hugg View Post
                Bonifacio has a twitter page?


                • #23
                  He started it today


                  • #24
                    Missed the end of the game to see Hangover 2.. Looks like i would of went from happy to pissed back to holy shit Posey got John Lynched.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
                      They should hit one of our guys and we will hit one of their's and it should be over.
                      Yes. This will be best for both teams.

                      Sounds like it was an amazing game. I missed 75% of it. I got temporarily re-assigned and the days I have to work I have to get up at 6am

                      It really sucks because I really enjoy these west coast swings.


                      • #26
                        Sort of lost in the demolition shuffle was how good Volstad looked, relative to Volstad of course.
                        Christian Yelich
                        LF, Greensboro Grasshoppers
                        12/5/1991 - 19 years old

                        100-334, 24 2B, 0 3B, 10 HR, 38 BB, 74 SO, 26 SB (4 CS)


                        Last 10 Games:

                        Last Update: 7/27/2011


                        • #27
                          Went to sleep after I saw Stanton hit that bases clearing double since I had to get up early for CC's graduation. I'm kind of glad I missed that bullpen implosion after because I would have woken up the whole family at like 2 in the morning. Also the title sucks Festa.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Bucklin12 View Post
                            Sort of lost in the demolition shuffle was how good Volstad looked, relative to Volstad of course.
                            Right. His last 6 starts, 35 IP, 3 HRA, 7.2 K/9, 1.37 whip, 3 quality starts and 2 not so terrible 5 inning/3 run 6 inning/4 run starts. Definitely throwing better. Hopefully he keeps this up and settles into 4.50 era land over 5+ innings. All he really needs to do.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Mainge View Post
                              Remember when everyone was up in arms about the Hanley takeout slide?

                              Yeah, Marlins are dirty. First they try to knock Ssory's head off, and then they kill buster.
                              I know everyone is saying it's a "clean" play but it looks more like he's trying to break Posey's neck than score there.
                              This. It looked more like football than baseball.
                              They look like a buncha apes. Ugly team, ugly uniform, and they don't even wipe their butts.
                              The more I look at it, the more I hate that damn idiot. He literally DOVE into him with no attempt at touching the plate. I understand trying to blow someone up, but shouldn't your first goal be to go for the plate, then, if you're out by a mile, go for a Patrick Willis type hit. Posey didn't even have the ball in his glove for God's sake. Injuring someone for no damn reason. You should be very proud Cousins. Pathetic play. So many better ways to try and get your team a win. Hard SLIDE (not superman dive), go feet first if he's going for the swipe tag, go around the tag with a hand slide, anything...he didn't even have the ball in his glove. What a joker this ****er Cousins is. I don't care what anyone thinks. He launched into him like a linebacker, he didn't run him over while on his feet. He dove from 3 feet away. Very dangerous for Posey AND HIMSELF, plus it shows no common sense. Absolute garbage play and absolute garbage player forever in my eyes. Thank God he didn't break his neck.
                              I want to make an account and post this...



                              • #30
                                It's the same play. Buster was in a better position to block the plate. Pudge was in a better position to get tackled.

                                Don't blame them for thinking that stuff though. That was nasty.

