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Bullpen 2011

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  • Bullpen 2011

    So far so good, eh?

    Dunn is a stud.

    Just make sure Nunez stays away from that 'slider' he's been working on.

  • #2
    It would be awesome if Dunn could limit his walks somewhat, and Mujica could somehow limit the amount of HR's he allows.

    Those two guys can be somewhat dominant if they fix their issues. Dunn's a beast with the K's, and Mujica with his K/BB is pretty awesome, too.

    I still like Webb, as well, for what it's worth. Gets a lot of groundballs, and I think he'll be successful more often than not.

    We still haven't even gotten to see Randy Choate in a tough LOOGY situation, either.


    • #3
      I heard someone call Dunn Billy Wagner light; I'm going to totally knee jerk and agree with that. Please make him the closer, if for no other reason than we can use many variations of "get her Dunn!"


      • #4
        HOUSTON -- No matter what happens on the mound, the highlight of the Houston series for reliever Clay Hensley, who grew up in these parts, will be meeting former President and fellow Texan, George H.W. Bush. The senior Bush popped in the Marlins clubhouse just before Friday's game and exchanged handshakes and greetings with players, coaches and team personnel.

        "One of the things I always wanted to do in my life was meet one of the Bushes, maybe sit down and have lunch with George W. or meet his dad," said Hensley, who was born in nearby Tomball. "I just read his (W's) biography."

        When Hensley heard that Bush senior was planning to attend Friday's home opener for the Astros, he practically pleaded with one of the clubhouse managers to arrange a meeting with the former prez.

        "I'm, like, 'Dude, do you think at all I'd get a chance to meet him, maybe have him come down to the locker room or whatever?,'" Hensley asked.

        Sure enough, Bush showed up shortly before first pitch.

        "It was pretty cool," Hensley said. "He's, like, 'Where's that Texas guy I came to meet? Where's that Houston guy?' Yeah, that was sweet."
        Read more:


        • #5
          That's pretty awesome. Getting to meet a President is an awesome experience.
          God would be expecting a first pitch breaking ball in the dirt because humans love to disappoint him.
          - Daft


          • #6
            So, uh...

            Burke Badenhop might be losing his "Next man up" status in the bullpen depth chart.

            13.2 IP, 7 BB, 10 SOs, 1 HR, 20 H, 7.24 ERA, 1.976 WHIP.

            There's two guys that may be creeping up ahead of them. One is Dustin Richardson, but that would require an injury to either Dunn or Choate.

            Richardson's numbers:

            11.1 IP, 2 BBs, 14 SOs, 0 HR, 9 H, 1.59 ERA, .971 WHIP

            Richardson's never really been considered a future pen stalwart, so Burke's still gonna get the call over him.

            But there's another guy who has been talked about as a future closer for years who is putting it all together down there and may be moving ahead of Burke on the depth chart...

            Jose Ceda:

            13 IP, BBs, 15 SOs, 0 HRs, 8 H, .69 ERA, 1.000 WHIP, 7/7 in save opps.

            Also, Jhan Marinez is pitching pretty well in Jacksonville. He should be up to NO by the summer. And, fuck, with how well he's pitching right now, Hatcher the Former Catcher (11.8 K/9, 1.8 BB/9, .84 ERA, .844 WHIP) might as well join him there whenever he makes the move. Hard to get too excited about Hatcher, but those numbers are excellent.

            We seem to have legitimate bullpen depth. Like, 3 levels deep. This is cool.


            • #7

              18.1 innings; 24 K's; 0.98 WHIP.



              • #8
                Injured reliever Ryan Webb, who also is on the DL because of an injured right shoulder, has begun light tossing and therapy and is scheduled to be re-evaluated Tuesday.


                • #9
                  Choate on his way to Miami to have an MRI on his elbow


                  • #10
                    Likely headed to DL.

