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What Do You Like or Dislike About Jeffrey Loria?

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  • What Do You Like or Dislike About Jeffrey Loria?

    I saw this post from Hugg in another thread and I think he makes a very valid point:

    I personally don't think Loria is very "artsy fartsy" and seems more interested in his actual baseball team than most owners. I like the guy and I don't blame him for how he runs his team. Just because most of the other owners don't run their team the way he does doesn't mean he's wrong. Maybe they are. He has a ring, most of them don't.
    Personally, I loved that they didn't overpay for Uggla and I really like the road their going down with the new stadium (I know some will disagree strongly).

    My only issue with Loria is that there have been one or two times this decade where picking up a big piece may have propelled the Marlins into the playoffs and he didn't pull the trigger. Yes, he may have had to overpay to get that piece but when the Wild Card is well within reach you have to go for it.

    Why do you hate/like/love/want to make love to Loria?

  • #2
    I don't have a huge problem with him. It's his money, he can do as he pleases. I do like that he is a big baseball fan, so I usually believe that he is more interested in winning than in making money.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Namaste View Post
      My only issue with Loria is that there have been one or two times this decade where picking up a big piece may have propelled the Marlins into the playoffs and he didn't pull the trigger. Yes, he may have had to overpay to get that piece but when the Wild Card is well within reach you have to go for it.
      Well, the year we had our best shot he did pick up Delgado. Too bad Mike Lowell sucks.

      I like his desire to win. He seems like a genuine fan.


      • #4
        I don't like how he hasn't muzzled David Samson


        • #5
          Yeah, allowing Samson to speak in public about stuff not related to the stadium makes the organization look bad.

          I used to hate Loria/the FO's reluctance to hand out long term deals, but that seems to be changing.

          I like that he's somewhat close to the players. For example, that chain he gave Hanley last spring to commemorate Hanley's batting title was a nice gesture. He may actually care, he may not, but at least he gives off the impression that he does care.

          I have a feeling that I'm going to hate the uniform re-design but we'll see.

          Oh, and he's a carpetbagger, obviously.


          • #6
            I like that he pisses off Todd.


            • #7
              I like his hair. I dislike his hatred of the color teal.


              • #8
                If Steinbrenner was the first modern owner, Loria's probably the first ultra-modern owner.

                I admire his business acumen, that's about it.


                • #9
                  I think, in general, Loria has gotten a bad rap in this town. I understood people being skeptical when he came in in 2002, but he's ended up being the guy who has owned this team the longest and was the only owner who fought through all the political and legal crap to finally secure baseball in South Florida. Yet, when most people down here talk about him, they hate the guy. Yes, he's had low payrolls and has traded some popular players, but he's also won a World Series and fielded mostly competitive teams for the majority of his tenure. Sure, I wish he would have spent more in the past, but I don't think you could realistically judge him as an owner until the stadium was approved. Since the stadium broke ground in 2009, the payroll has gone up just as he said it would.

                  He and the organization have a philosophy and a plan that some find unpopular, but at least they have a direction they follow and execute it well. The same can't be said for some other teams in our area (I'm looking at you Dolphins and Panthers!)


                  • #10
                    I like that he cares deeply for the opinions of the general public


                    • #11
                      I like Loria except the fact he hasn't fired Samson yet. Although this is figuring you would be able to find a likable or at least someone who doesn't run his mouth like an idiot to do his job. I believe its been said here that he does a good job with the business side of things not the baseball side.


                      • #12
                        Samson is good with the business side and was outstanding when talking to all the commissioners during the stadium process. He just shouldn't be allowed to speak about personnel.


                        • #13
                          Or, we could also just ignore him when he talks about personnel.


                          • #14
                            I like that he doesn't do shit like giving Jayson Werth 7/126.


                            • #15
                              Pics or ban

