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Uggla Contract Negotiations

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  • Originally posted by markotsay7 View Post
    we all know there will be a tremendous uptick in attendance in 2012. our concern is that we cannot end up like the pirates, who spike in attendance, suck on the field, and then alienate the fanbase by playing bad baseball. we need to succeed in 2012 and beyond because we know the fans in south florida are fairweather fans who will support teams when they do well (see: 2003 playoffs, 1996 panthers, 2006 heat, etc). 2012 will be good, but we need to win to keep them coming back.
    Let me put this another way; why were we trying to sign Uggla to a 4/$48 million in the first place? Because he's a good player that we want to keep around, right? Why then do you think trading him for a package of mediocre players and using the money you were going to spend on him for more mediocre players is a good idea? Like has been said, we have a pretty good nucleus in the team we already have and we just improved one of the major weaknesses (the bullpen) over the weekend. Trading away Uggla creates a hole not only at second but puts a lot of pressure on the rest of the team to make up those RBI's that Uggla provided. I just don't like the idea of selling low on Uggla and getting stuff that is not likely to make the team better just because you got mad at him, which is what I'm gathering is happening.


    • There's no indication that this is a straight salary dump or they are selling low. They kinda sorta showed that by offering him 4 years and $48m. It's asinine to say at this point they will be getting mediocrity in return that won't help the team.


      • Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
        Let me put this another way; why were we trying to sign Uggla to a 4/$48 million in the first place? Because he's a good player that we want to keep around, right? Why then do you think trading him for a package of mediocre players and using the money you were going to spend on him for more mediocre players is a good idea? Like has been said, we have a pretty good nucleus in the team we already have and we just improved one of the major weaknesses (the bullpen) over the weekend. Trading away Uggla creates a hole not only at second but puts a lot of pressure on the rest of the team to make up those RBI's that Uggla provided. I just don't like the idea of selling low on Uggla and getting stuff that is not likely to make the team better just because you got mad at him, which is what I'm gathering is happening.
        1) You're assuming a lot.
        2) We'd be selling high


        • Originally posted by Mainge View Post
          2) We'd be selling high
          Considering he just had a career high in terms of production, we absolutely would be selling high.


          • That's pretty obvious to most people.


            • When Mibs wrote "Let me put this another way" I treated it like a link that mk7 said would be worth my time.


              • Originally posted by Mainge View Post
                That's pretty obvious to most people.
                Not to all.


                • It's not that we don't want Uggla, it's that Uggla doesn't want us to be his fans anymore.
                  There's No jOOj In Team.


                  • Buster_ESPN: Other clubs perceive the Marlins are absolutely intent on moving Uggla ASAP, and they are not asking for a high rate of return -- a couple of decent guys, no A-plus prospects necessary. They know Uggla's salary and impending free agency precludes them from getting the top-of-the-line prospects.
                    You call this selling high? We asked for the moon last year and now we've switched to this? How is this selling high?


                    • Mibs, can I ask you a question?


                      • Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
                        You call this selling high? We asked for the moon last year and now we've switched to this? How is this selling high?

                        That doesn't have anything to do with selling high.


                        • Mibs, why do you care so much about how the organization is perceived in public? What does it matter to you? You aren't a shareholder in Florida Marlins LLC. Those are the only people affected by a negative PR move to the organization.

                          As a fan, I only care about whether we win or lose. Hamstringing the organization for years with a contract that will clog up our payroll for years to come is not what I want as a fan. I want a team that can compete for playoff spots regularly. Locking Uggla up for 5 years at well-above his market value is not going to help that cause.


                          • So if we hold on to Uggla, his trade value will increase as 2011 season progresses, mibs?
                            Originally posted by Matt Wilson
                            Fish and Chips just became the smartest man on the board
                            Tom Koehler(4-0)
                            AAA: 7 GS, 40.2 IP, 2.66 ERA, 34 H, 12 ER, 17 BB, 31 SO, GO/AO 0.87, BAA .233 , 1.25 WHIP


                            • Mibs, CAN I ASK YOU A QUESTION?!!?


                              • This has been a fantastic thread, and I agree with nearly everyone about that 2B on our roster that I will no longer refer to by name.

