Columns for the NW parking garage. Not pictured: the foundation being poured.
Portion of the next section of the roof.
The first section of the roof looms over the plaza. In the next few days this section will be moved (manually) over the ballpark so the second (and largest) portion of the roof can be started.
First Base
The structural supports have been removed since last month on the first base ramp.
First base on the left side of the ramp and rightfield to the right.
Next section of the roof sits on 16th Avenue.
Rightfield portion of the ballpark is being enclosed.
The roof over the leftfield curtain wall is a few more beams from completion.
Another look at the roof taking shape over the window in leftfield.
Inside you can see the risers on the 3B side of the upper deck haven't been installed.
3B side of the stadium.
Other Notes
-NW 3rd Street is closed off to non-local pedestrian and street traffic. I couldn't see much, but it appears infrastructure has begun.
-As more of the south portion of the stadium takes shape, there is a noticeable difference in height from the north side.
-The roof can be seen from the 836 from up to 3 miles away.
-Hunt/Moss are occupying several sites across the street from the stadium on the west side including an apartment building.
-A saw at least two apartment buildings on the south side with 'For Sale' signs.