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Alealejandro Proves to Be for Us in Marlins Epic 5-4 Win Over the NY Nine

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  • Postgame: Alealejandro Proves to Be for Us in Marlins Epic 5-4 Win Over the NY Nine

    For me: Sanabia, Maybin's hitting, LoMo, H2R, cute ladies sitting in front of me, Gaby

    Not for me: bullpen, Maybin's fielding, my second hot dog

  • #2
    What was wrong with the hot dog?


    • #3
      Nothing, just my limit should have been 1


      • #4
        Just be glad you didn't do citi blue smoke. I made that mistake once. Stomach still hasn't forgiven me.


        • #5
          Oh, I did. I'm alive, barely


          • #6
            Maybin is 4-9 in the last 2 games. He is unstoppable.


            • #7
              What is Citi Blue smoke?


              • #8
                Blue Smoke is a BBQ place in NYC.

                They have a stand at citi field. Hence my hastily abbreviated citi blue smoke.


                • #9
                  I'm in love with our young players. LoMo is becoming my hero. He looks like he is going to be a hitting machine. Did anyone else see how fluid and fast LoMo ran out that triple? His rounding of second was a thing of beauty, poetry in motion.


                  • #10
                    hes due for a hr


                    • #11
                      Still don't love Logan, just like him.

                      Love the swing, but he runs into a lot of stuff (not that there's anything wrong with that, better to be lucky than good most of the time). Really though, if the bulk of his AB's end with him getting lucky, I don't really care, results are what matter, not so much the process. He's the one guy that I really could see losing a ton of momentum in 2011. Plus, you'd really love to see a HR stroke develop (which I think we all had as a concern coming in).


                      • #12
                        If he can hit for a nice average, he would be a great number 2 or 6 hitter in the line up. Even though he doesnt have much home run power, he does have a sweet doubles stroke. Going into tonights game he had 8 doubles, 14 BB, & 28 hits in 96 ABs with 19 ks. He has the potential to hit 40-50 doubles in an entire season. Like you guys say he needs to hit some HRs, im hoping he can eventually hit 15 HRs in a season.


                        • #13
                          Here's an interesting question to pose: who ends up being the better player? Gaby or Morrison?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Valid View Post
                            Here's an interesting question to pose: who ends up being the better player? Gaby or Morrison?
                            Here's a better question who hits second in a line up of Gaby, Logan, Cogs, and Baker


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jay576 View Post
                              Here's a better question who hits second in a line up of Gaby, Logan, Cogs, and Baker
                              Seeing as the team has no true leadoff man currently, I would suspect Coghlan would continue to leadoff. We are seeing they rather move Gaby down and keep LoMo 2nd, but honestly they seem to be very similar types of hitter at this point. Baker would probably be better served toward the bottom of the lineup, mainly because he platoons with the right handed catcher and you want to try and have some kind of consistency in the lineup not switching it up everyday.

