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SFM Interview with 15th Round Draft Pick Ryan Fisher

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  • SFM Interview with 15th Round Draft Pick Ryan Fisher

    The Marlins' 15th round pick Ryan Fisher was kind enough to take some time and answer some questions for us. Fisher is a 6'3", 200-pound outfielder from University of California-Irvine with what as been described as "a sweet and powerful left-handed swing."

    SFM: You were undrafted out of high school and in 3 years made yourself into a 15th round pick. What do you attribute to the change? Was it just a matter of filling out your frame? Great coaching? Hard work? Or some combination?

    RF: I certainly filled out. I grew a good 4 inches and have gained 30 pounds which has really helped me swing the bat with a lot more authority and with more bat control. But mainly I honed my skills with a lot of practice and hard work over the last few years. Almost every day I hit before and after practice which has really helped me to make my swing more efficient and powerful. My swing has always been there but with all of the extra practice I have made my swing a lot shorter. I am now able to put my best swing on most pitches compared to just every once in a while.

    SFM: Is there any indication of where the Marlins will play you in their system? You were announced as a leftfielder, but some reports have you as a potential second baseman.

    RF: I’m starting out in leftfield but they have talked to me about potentially playing third and first base. The more places I can play the more valuable I can become in the Marlins system so wherever they want me to play I will play there.

    SFM: You’re listed as a lefty hitter but a righty thrower. What’s the story there?

    RF: Have been doing it my whole life. My dad said I picked up the bat and starting hitting lefty so he let me stick with that even though I was right handed.

    SFM: Is there any player you look at now in the majors and try to model your game after?

    RF: I really look up to Manny Ramirez. I love how he has fun playing the game and his approach to playing baseball. Plus I want to become a hitter like him where he can drive the ball to all fields but still hit for a very good average.

    SFM: Can you describe the atmosphere on draft day? Was it low key or were family, friends, neighbors, etc. invited to a draft party?

    Pretty overwhelming. It was a day that I had always been waiting for. So when I finally got the call I was really excited. Two days later my mom put together a party for me at home for getting drafted and a lot of people close to me were able celebrate with me.

    SFM: What part of your game do you take the most pride in?

    RF: I take most pride in my hitting ability. I love hitting and hope to one day be able to hit in the major leagues.

    SFM: What would you consider your biggest weakness as a baseball player?

    RF: My biggest weakness is probably my defense. I’m not up to where I want to be defensively but with practice I should be able to make this into one of my strengths soon.

    SFM: What is going to be your first major purchase?

    Hahaha no major purchases for me. Going to put my money in the bank and save it. Waiting for the major league paycheck then I will go out and buy me an Aston Martin.

    SFM: Was there at any point that moment were you realized/Marlins implied that you were going to be a draft pick of theirs?

    RF: Last year it sounded like they were very interested in me but it I didn’t hear my name called come draft day. So this year they talked to me and said they weren’t going to let me get away this year. And here I am now playing in the Florida Marlins system.

    SFM: Now that you're being paid for what you do on the field, are you planning on making changes to your diet and work out routine?

    RF: No major changes, just going to continue to work hard on the field,in the weightroom,and to continue to eat really well. Now that I don’t have to focus so much on school I will be able to put all of my energy into making myself into a better player.
    Originally posted by Madman81
    Most of the people in the world being dumb is not a requirement for you to be among their ranks.
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