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Volstud Locks Down the Nats; Hanley Provides Offense, 7-1

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  • #16
    Volstad Sings, Dances, Throws Complete Games

    Who knew that Chris Volstad was so, ah, versatile?

    There was Volstad, down on the diamond at Sun Life Stadium on Saturday, going the distance in a complete-game win over the Nats and chipping in a pair of singles, too. And there he was afterward, standing in front of his locker inside the Marlins clubhouse and telling reporters that yes, the in-game scoreboard information was indeed true, that he did in fact sing and dance at Palm Beach Gardens High School as a student there.

    "I did chorus my senior year of high school, and we put on a variety show," Volstad said. "I knew some of the girls in chorus and they didn't have any guys. So me and three or four of my buddies, who were just like 'Why not?' It counted for an elective. We had a lot of songs. We did an Elton John remix, like a jazz kind of remix."

    Asked to demonstrate, Volstad declined.

    "I left my voice in high school," he said.

    What about the dancing?

    "I don't know if I'd call it dancing," he said. "But I was moving on stage, how about that?"

    Volstad said he has a videotape of the performance but won't let it out of his possession for fear it'll end up on YouTube.

    "I think I might have the only copy so you might have to wait for awhile," he said.

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