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Marlins Go Down 8-4 in Series Finale to Rockies

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  • #16
    You probably would have said the same thing last May about CC, given that he hadn't played an inning in the OF since high school, supposedly.

    If Gaby keeps hitting and CC can't get it figured out, I'd say there's a very good chance he gets a shot in the OF. I can't see them viewing him as trade bait. He's still the better long term prospect than Gaby, and the FO probably agrees.
    If someone overwhelms them for Uggla (Or Cantu, I guess, assuming they think CC can handle 3B), I could see them moving him in a stretch run. We did it with Brad Penny, and almost did it with Burnett.

    Though I'd say Cody is more likely, assuming they think Stanton is ready.
    Last edited by Bobbob1313; 04-25-2010, 11:18 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


    • #17
      Last year we were trying to make due at several positions and ended up using LF as a holding station for a player we like.

      Flash forward to 2010 where we really aren't trying to make due at any position and have a player we don't love (Gaby) which thus opens a job for the prospect in question and you'll see why LF isn't in the cards for LoMo. Gaby and Logan may well be in the same lineup, but Gaby isn't going to force Logan to switch; we'll float Gaby.
      Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
      You probably would have said the same thing last May about CC, given that he hadn't played an inning in the OF since high school, supposedly.

      If Gaby keeps hitting and CC can't get it figured out, I'd say there's a very good chance he gets a shot in the OF. I can't see them viewing him as trade bait. He's still the better long term prospect than Gaby, and the FO probably agrees.
      If someone overwhelms them for Uggla (Or Cantu, I guess, assuming they think CC can handle 3B), I could see them moving him in a stretch run. We did it with Brad Penny, and almost did it with Burnett.

      Though I'd say Cody is more likely, assuming they think Stanton is ready.
      Penny was different, we weren't overwhelmed; we over paid for a player (LoDuca) we stalked for about 6 months.
      Last edited by Swifty; 04-25-2010, 11:21 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


      • #18
        Originally posted by Swift View Post
        Last year we were trying to make due at several positions and ended up using LF as a holding station for a player we like.

        Flash forward to 2010 where we really aren't trying to make due at any position and have a player we don't love (Gaby) which thus opens a job for the prospect in question and you'll see why LF isn't in the cards for LoMo. Gaby and Logan may well be in the same lineup, but Gaby isn't going to force Logan to switch; we'll float Gaby.
        This organization has made it abundantly clear they do not view Gaby as an option anywhere but 1B. I'd be much less surprised with Logan in LF than Gaby anywhere else.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Swift View Post
          Last year we were trying to make due at several positions and ended up using LF as a holding station for a player we like.

          Flash forward to 2010 where we really aren't trying to make due at any position and have a player we don't love (Gaby) which thus opens a job for the prospect in question and you'll see why LF isn't in the cards for LoMo. Gaby and Logan may well be in the same lineup, but Gaby isn't going to force Logan to switch; we'll float Gaby.


          • #20
            So if CC is still sucking, and Gaby is still hitting and Logan is still hitting, what do you guys expect us to do?


            • #21
              My was for last year's circumstance not being equal to this year's if Uggla is traded.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
                So if CC is still sucking, and Gaby is still hitting and Logan is still hitting, what do you guys expect us to do?
                Leave Logan at AAA and promote Stanton or give Carroll more AB's.

                Two things we won't do: (1) demote Coghlan and (2) play Logan in the OF.


                • #23
                  I guess I don't see why you are so adamant that Logan won't play in the OF.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
                    I guess I don't see why you are so adamant that Logan won't play in the OF.
                    For a few reasons.

                    (1) Traditionally we have used left field in the past to just get a bat we like in the lineup, but now we don't have that "luxury" as our OF is filled with three guys we organizationally like.

                    (2) Logan is a player we like as an organization a whole lot. Given the quotes about the 1B race, we were basically screaming all we wanted out of Logan was 10-20 good AB's and the job would be his. If we liked him that much to try to get him into the everyday lineup, yet didn't even put him in the OF to take flyballs as a "what the hell" option, it tells me it isn't in the cards unless disaster strikes. I mean, we had BC taking balls at 3B, it was very much a thinking outside traditional parameters kind of spring when it came to constructing our roster.

                    (3) We didn't like Gaby last year, we begrudgingly gave him the job this year, so I suspect that we'll be happy to keep him around if he's hitting, but I don't think we're going to overly make an effort to accommodate him.


                    • #25
                      A lot has to happen for that to happen?


                      • #26
                        I think Gaby might force the front office to like him. At some point they admit they're wrong and go from there.... I think


                        • #27
                          Unless Gaby bats 1.000 and wins a Gold Glove, they'll drop him for someone with Wiggly Feel with the quickness, no?
                          This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


                          • #28
                            I think it's all relative. Could "like" mean getting 450 AB's he previously wouldn't have gotten? Yes, but we are a very stubborn organization and I don't think there's much you can realistically do to become a 3 year starter when they don't like you.

                            And before someone compares this to Josh Willingham, I think the circumstance are different in that McKeon was going to play who he wanted to and sure as hell wasn't going to be told to play a 26 year old rookie (so some is on Beinfest and some is on Jack) and also that we didn't offer Willingham aggressively around the league for the Manny Delcarmens of the world.


                            • #29
                              Ya, Hammer was a different situation

                              I think


                              • #30
                                Bake forced the organization to like him.

                                Yeah, they traded for him so it was a little different, but is forcing us to put up with Boner instead of going with Gaby that much different than forcing us to put up with Olivo and Treanor?

