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2010 Spring Training Rotation Thread

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    Do you really think it is that likely that you are being any sort of logical if every poster thinks you are being ridiculous?


    • So you'd rather make fun of me instead?


      • I don't know if I did that, but, yes.


        • Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
          We're not talking baseball anymore when people start taking indirect shots at me by implying shit that I have never said. That has happened about 4 times in this thread and that's what pisses me off. If you want to dispute me, fine. Do it. This is a Marlins message board where we should discuss baseball. There is no reason to take shots at another poster just because you think you're being funny.
          you see we are talking baseball were talking whats going to be best for the TEAM! not whats best for one player. Like I said hold an objective opinion and don't be close minded. Its ok to love a certain player but be big enough to understand when some thing isn't right or when he isn't pitching well. Not once have you said well he pitched like shit. Its always some thing like oh he is working on his slider or the sun didn't come out today!

          I love this team and hope they do whats best and don't just keep someone in the rotation just cause oh well he was there last yr.


          • Ok guys relax this thread isn't about Masters of Business Administration.

            It's about whether Volstad will pitch himself into the HOF if he were to be traded to Arizona.

            Ok that's it. No more.


            • I got no issues if we break camp and Volstad is in AAA working on his pitches. If he's somewhat mastered his slider by Opening Day, then by all means he should be in the rotation. If he is still working on his pitching, he doesn't need to be doing it against the Utleys, Wrights and Willinghams of the world.


              • Yeah right now Hensley and Penn are starting to get a legit shot if they continue to produce in spring while Volstad, Miller, Anibal and RVH dont produce they could lose their spot. Its to early to tell but some people are starting to produce and could force their way onto the opening day roster while others have to continue to disappoint to lose their spot.


                • Johnson
                  One of Anibal/RVH/Volstad/Miller

                  That'd be some sorta silly

                  Probably not the good kind but silly nonetheless


                  • Let me just say I think mba is one of the better posters here. I just think it would be better if she didn't get into these arguments about Volstad. It's obvious she's biased when it comes to this subject, and not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but it's not her job to defend Volstad every time someone says something negative about him.


                    • It is a bad thing. Can't have a conversation with someone that hard headed and stubborn


                      • Most of us are hard headed and stubborn, and at least a few of us have pretty strong biases for/against certain players. I think hers is more visible partly because she posts about him a lot but also because it's gotten to the point where every posts she makes gets a Volstad reply. It's silly.

                        On topic:
                        are we really going to advocate handing Hayden Penn a spot based on 8 innings where he's struck out two? Call me crazy, but I'm dubious of any success in a small sample size that is basically entirely dependent on his defenders? At least Hensley has his AAA last year and a handful of strikeouts going for him, along with the fact that he's a pretty heavy groundball pitcher

                        If we're basing it on the spring, I'm not giving Penn the nod in my top 5. He's liable to blow up at any point. Kudos for improving your control, but that's all he's doing well.
                        Last edited by Bobbob1313; 03-18-2010, 02:14 AM.


                        • Nope, we are not going to advocate handing Penn a spot based on 8 innings. We will wait and see what happens. I'm not really sure I understand why bobbob and mibs think people are ready to shut it down for the spring and proclaim our rotation set.


                          • I believe in Hayden Penn.
                            "You owe it to yourself to find your own unorthodox way of succeeding, or sometimes, just surviving."
                            - Michael Johnson

                            J.T. Realmuto .282/.351/.412


                            • and his mustache

                              or is it because of his mustache


                              • Don't doubt the stache

