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2010 Spring Training Rotation Thread

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  • Originally posted by ¿NICK? View Post
    Hensley actually does have better major league stats than Volstad.

    those kind of facts are not welcome here


    • Originally posted by ¿NICK? View Post
      Hensley actually does have better major league stats than Volstad.
      He's only started 10 games in the last 3 major league seasons. His stats in both of his last two major league season ('07 and '08) were both worse than Volstad's last year. We don't know how he would have done last year because he didn't pitch in the majors. He's a big unknown with how he'll pitch in the majors. His last start major league start was in July of 2008 and he gave up 6 runs in five innings to the Pirates. I'd much rather see him pitch in relief, if even to start the season, to see if he's improved since then.


      • So what you are getting at is that you don't believe there should be any sort of competition that includes Volstad


        • Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
          He's only started 10 games in the last 3 major league seasons. His stats in both of his last two major league season ('07 and '08) were both worse than Volstad's last year. We don't know how he would have done last year because he didn't pitch in the majors. He's a big unknown with how he'll pitch in the majors. His last start major league start was in July of 2008 and he gave up 6 runs in five innings to the Pirates. I'd much rather see him pitch in relief, if even to start the season, to see if he's improved since then.
          Hensley is a starter. He started all of last year in AAA and pitched well. We've already seen he's improved since then, and not only that, but he's also proved in the past he can be a success at the big leagues. There is absolutely no reason to try him as a reliever if our biggest need is the rotation.


          • I'm saying that we need to wait until the end of spring training and then see where everyone is at. It's way too early to determine the rotation on onnly less than 10 innings.


            • Originally posted by ¿NICK? View Post
              There is absolutely no reason to try him as a reliever if our biggest need is the rotation.
              Volstad is in the rotation


              • Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
                Hensley is in the same category as Penn. Hensley didn't even pitch in the majors last year and has made 1 major league start since the start of the 2008 season.

                What I'm saying is that you can't base everything on stats in spring training in a time frame of less than 10 innings. JJ has an ERA of over 6 after yesterday. Do we think he's going to do that in the season? You have to look at the player as a whole. That means looking at what Penn and Hensley have done in the past and not just what they have done in 10 innings.
                who cares where they pitched last yr.. people progress and regress over the course of seasons. I'm not saying Volstad shouldn't be in our rotation but right now he does not deserve to be there! Let him work out what ever his issues are in the minors. Its a long season! Also you put JJ in this.. JJ had a great season last yr! Volstad was shitty! Be objective for one min and look at it from the outside! Its an open competition if Volstad wants to pitch in the ml right now he needs to pitch like it!

                Sashimi I was including Hurk as our 4th.. Penn, Hensley and Volstad for the 5.. Its a good time for Volstad to pitch in aaa anyways as we don't need that 5th starter but twice in april!
                Last edited by AdamRavs; 03-17-2010, 09:58 PM.


                • Originally posted by AdamRavs View Post
                  Volstad was shitty! Be objective for one min and look at it from the outside!
                  No, he wasn't shitty, he was working on pitches all season. How is that so hard to understand

                  Hensley may have had an outstanding 2009 in AAA and has been extremely impressive in spring training thus far, but in his last start in 2008 he gave up 6 runs in 5 innings to the Pirates, and because of that, no way should he be competing with Volstad


                  • Fuck you all, okay. This is the kind of shit that pisses me off. I try to state my opinion and everyone just tells me that I'm blind and starts doggin me for stuff that is not even relevant to the conversation.


                    • Originally posted by McLevin View Post
                      No, he wasn't shitty, he was working on pitches all season. How is that so hard to understand
                      this post added nothing the first time you made it. What is nothing + nothing?

                      It's way too early to make determinations one way or the other. Volstad should be given the benefit of the doubt over Hensley and Penn, but performance should dictate it in the end. Not so much ERA, but how they pitched. In the Spring, one bad inning in 10 can make you look worse than you are. We should be looking at control, strikeouts, and other things that are at least marginally in a pitchers' control in a small sample.

                      Why bother fighting about this now? Penn is as likely to be crappy from here on out as anyone, and Volstad could shut people down. Who knows? The first 8 innings in Spring mean Jack shit. Volstad should get a small benefit of the doubt over them, but if he can't figure it out by opening day, let him figure it out on AAA.

                      That goes for pretty much everyone else.


                      • Bobbob is right, but I think most here generally agree with that but mibs jumps to conclusions


                        • The lack of objectiveness rubs people the wrong way though. You speak of Volstad as an automatic in the rotation whereas he hasn't pitched consistently well since the end of 2008. It's okay to love a player but also admit his flaws and admit that there's a (rightful) competition for his spot. And to not have to find an excuse for every time the player has a rough outing.

                          Also don't take it so personal! We're talkin baseball
                          Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
                          this post added nothing the first time you made it. What is nothing + nothing?
                          I was just being extreme in making a point, but I guess there are better ways of doing it
                          Last edited by McLevin; 03-17-2010, 10:21 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                          • [ame][/ame]


                            • [ame][/ame]


                              • We're not talking baseball anymore when people start taking indirect shots at me by implying shit that I have never said. That has happened about 4 times in this thread and that's what pisses me off. If you want to dispute me, fine. Do it. This is a Marlins message board where we should discuss baseball. There is no reason to take shots at another poster just because you think you're being funny.

