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Construction Contaminates Canal

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  • #16
    There ya go! I would imagine this is really hard to pin directly on to the Marlins unless you have something where David Samson has written to the construction folks saying, remember when we told you to put up these fences to stop shit from getting into the storm drains? DONT DO IT WE AINT GON PAY YOU FOR IT!!!! The construction folks have a much better understanding of construction and what is going on with construction - it is their job - so it is hard to imagine people thinking that Marlins brass should be there every step of the way making sure the construction company is doing things exactly as one who is an expert in the field of construction would do.


    • #17
      yeah but then the hippie lady is gonna be all like "i know the principal is generally not vicariously liable for the negligent acts of their independent contractor but this scenario somehow fits one of the exceptions recognized at law" and then she's gonna be like "besides this isn't a court of law, this is just public opinion and big corporations are bad and MLB is a big corporation so they're bad and they're responsible for the environment dying"

      so yeah, highly likely it's not the marlins fault and they probably didn't even have much, if any, knowledge about this. but a fuckup by the construction people makes them look bad and maybe they should have (1) picked better contractors and subcontractors or (2) hired better people to keep an eye on them or (3) grabbed one of cartman's hippie drills before they started construction


      • #18
        If you so much as fart near a tree the Sierra Club has a major issue with it.


        • #19
          Originally posted by wanks1212 View Post
          maybe they should have (1) picked better contractors and subcontractors
          Well didn't they include stuff in the agreement saying that some of those subcontractors had to be minorities?

          IM JUST PLAYIN! Kinda


          • #20
            The run off probably made the Miami River cleaner.


            • #21
              This is a shame since the canals down there are oh so clean.
              Need help? Questions? Concerns? Want to chat? PM Hugg!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Daft View Post
                If you so much as fart near a tree the Sierra Club has a major issue with it.
                Funny I read this just as I'm briefing a case about...SIERRA CLUB (Sierra Club v. Marita)
                Record when He pitches: 3-2


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Matt Wilson View Post
                  This penis party's got to go, hey hey, ho ho!
                  I'm here---

                  She is just on her (Special Terrible Towel) and looking for someone to lash out at.

                  The LimeRock has settled to the bottom, all order is restored to the universe.

                  I'm more pissed that my taxdollars have to keep goign towards these idiots takign a jab at construction, city hall and the marlins.

                  We should start a petition asking Miami-Dade and the Marlins to turn around and sue Braman for Attorney fees.

                  Thats what I want my tax dollars used for.

