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CSBC Sim Day 30

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  • CSBC Sim Day 30

    Races are heating up
    CSBC Commish

  • #2
    2-2 just will not cut it. Come on you lazy lumps, we're still in this!

    I am 2/2 in rookie pitcher call-ups this year. Before Ramon Garcia was killing it there was Ryan Feierabend, and it was good.
    *Is a huge fucking asshole*


    • #3
      My bullpen blew it for me two games in a row. 2-3 on the sim. At least Lincecum finally got a win.


      • #4
        awesome im getting hit with rating drops across the board lol.. good news is im back in the wild card lead!


        • #5
          CSBC Commish


          • #6
            My starters have done a 180 since the beginning of the season. From the best in the league to 7th. Yuck! Time to see what some of the AAA guys can do in the majors in September since we're not going anywhere anymore.


            • #7
              Bonus days were added to the sim, tomorrow (loltoday) will start at Sept 1st
              CSBC Commish


              • #8
                Ouch. Edmonton extends it's sympathy to Cleveland for losing Cano.
                This is a Dolphins town, though.

                "Fuck, what've they done?'' --Ozzie Guillen

                I am dead set against free agency, it can ruin baseball. --- George Steinbrenner

                2010 SoFlaMarlins Fantasy Baseball Champion
                Edmonton Ice Bats
                2007 Teal League Wildcard
                2008 Teal League Wildcard

                2009 Teal League Wildcard
                2010 Teal League Wildcard
                2011 Teal League West Division Winner


                • #9
                  bah humbug back to 7 games back doh


                  • #10
                    We won 8 games total for the month of August.

                    Maybe I should try to lose like some NBA teams do so I can get a higher draft pick. I'm sitting at #7 right now. That's too close to the middle. It's not like I have any high potential players to call up anyway.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by KnuckleBalls View Post
                      Ouch. Edmonton extends it's sympathy to Cleveland for losing Cano.
                      It's like being murdered in the face.

