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Selling Time: Marlins Trade Deadline Discussion

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  • Should have traded LoMo when it looked like he didn't suck.


    • Originally posted by MiamiHomer View Post
      Should have traded LoMo when it looked like he didn't suck.
      Well, I think he deserves one more year to prove himself. He wasn't healthy this year, so he should get a bit of a mulligan.


      • Problem is he's never healthy and keeping him in LF won't help that issue. It's not like he was putting up numbers you would want from your typical 1st baseman either.


        • Originally posted by tjfla View Post

          Another name to watch out for the next few days is Heath Bell. No reports yet if he passed thru waivers however San Francisco is still very interested in him and if he is put on waivers San Francisco may claim him. No word if we would let him walk or want least a prospect/cash in return tho
          F that, I'd give them a prospect/cash for the Giants to take Bell from Miami.


          • Originally posted by Hugg View Post
            That and Morrison hasn't been nearly good enough to just free up 1B for him. If Lee's a better option than anyone else we can get (likely true), then do it.
            So the answer is to free up LF instead?


            • What?

              Carlos Lee is better than anything we could get for LF next season. That was my point.
              I'd be more inclined to weaken LF and free up 1B for Morrison if it looked certain he was gonna be the guy for the next 5-10 years.
              Last edited by HUGG; 08-26-2012, 11:06 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


              • Originally posted by Hugg View Post

                Carlos Lee is better than anything we could get for LF next season. That was my point.

                I'd be more inclined to weaken LF and free up 1B for Morrison if it looked certain he was gonna be the guy for the next 5-10 years.
                Highly debatable.
                The only way that is correct is if the team does not feel like spending money this offseason. Even if that's the case, it doesn't take much to upgrade over Carlos Lee.

                And if they really want to keep Carlos Lee, that's fine. I don't understand why we'd have to go through the Logan Morrison in LF experiment again, however. That's actually the part that bothers me the most.

                But really though, we need to not have Carlos Lee in the lineup next year. It's quite the waste of time just as it was at the time he was acquired.
                The team could actually go cheap and still find a way to upgrade over Carlos Lee, really. He's not a good player anymore. You'd probably get more production out of a cheap, cost-efficient platoon.
                Last edited by Erick; 08-26-2012, 11:38 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                • Is a cheap, cost-efficient platoon not the same waste of time?


                  • Keeping him screams they are going to pocket the "money saved," which means they intend to lose the entire casual fan base forever until ownership is changed because the team will max out at 80 wins. This does not inspire confidence and will eliminate all benefits of doubt given to them the last few years.
                    Originally posted by tjfla View Post
                    Another name to watch out for the next few days is Heath Bell. No reports yet if he passed thru waivers however San Francisco is still very interested in him and if he is put on waivers San Francisco may claim him. No word if we would let him walk or want least a prospect/cash in return tho
                    In what world do the Marlins not assign his contract to any team foolish enough to claim him
                    Originally posted by Hugg View Post

                    Carlos Lee is better than anything we could get for LF next season. That was my point.
                    I'd be more inclined to weaken LF and free up 1B for Morrison if it looked certain he was gonna be the guy for the next 5-10 years.
                    I think LF is killing his knees and if he is every going to reach his potential, its at 1B not getting banged up. Considering he is club controlled and a cheap arb1 based on his career thus far, I'd put him at 1B two years and see what happens. Likewise, he has no future in LF as Yelich is coming. I still do not believe he ends up in CF.
                    I know this isn't a Carlos Lee comment, but can they just go out and get a fucking center fielder? The last 10 years, the Marlins have had 3 seasons in CF over a 3 WAR

                    2009 - Cody 3.7 (only 100 starts, platoon in RF)
                    2004 - Pierre 4.4
                    2003 - Pierre 4.7

                    It's been almost 10 fucking years guys. For a team that prides itself on speed and defense, you're doing it wrong.
                    Last edited by lou; 08-27-2012, 08:09 AM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                    • The master plan seems to be get ready for 2014 when Yelich,Fernandez,Cox, and whoever else we might get thru the draft or trades are ready AND most our contracts come off the books-JJ,Nolasco,Bell(Easier to move)

                      As for Carlos Lee,it seems that Loria is the one who wants to keep him. The FO prefers to move LoMo to 1B but aren't making a big deal about it due to 2014 being the target. Very easy to play Lee at 1B/LoMo in LF/Ruggiano in CF in 2013 then in 2014 LoMo at 1B/Yelich in LF/? in CF.It also helps when seems Lee will give us a BIG discount

                      The Heath Bell thing I am not sure bout cause not 1 report has been made public that he has been put on waivers,if someone claims him I would just let him walk. If he already passed thru waivers,I would just keep on SF and see if they still like him try to get a prospect and send some cash there way


                      • Loria needs to stay the fuck out of player personnel decisions.

                        Or just become the GM himself.


                        • Actually my mistake, I forgot they need to keep Heath Bell so they can trade him and Buck for Carl Crawford this offseason.


                          • maybe its just me but why wait till 2014. why not put up a good team next year and then let the prospects reinforce the team on 2014 with the vets already in place. cause what happens if frenandez or yelich have setbacks of some sorts and are not ready on 2014? then we have no young players and no good vets we become the mariners


                            • If they don't reinvest the Hanley money they'll have 3K season ticket holders next year.


                              • I think the general fanbase is going to be disappointed with the upcoming off-season regardless because the FA pool is pretty weak. Barring some trade, there really isn't much that's going to make people feel like drastic improvements are going to be made.

